Accessing Windows shell with WSH-Scripts

If you have installed the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0/5.0 on your Windows  system, you have may access Windows shell function. The Windows Shell object mentioned below provides several methods to access your Windows shell. You can create a reference to the shell's application object using the following VBScript command:

Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject ("Shell.Application")

Afterward you can use the object variable Shell to access the methods and properties provided by the appliation object.

Note: If you receive a run-time error reporting that CreateObject can't instantiate the Shell.Application object, than the Shell version is probably below 4.71. This may the case in Windows 95 and Windows NT, if IE 4 is installed without Active Desktop.

I have introduced already the Suspend and the ShutdownWindows methods in previous samples. Beside these methods there are other methods (which may be studied using the Object Browser provided in several of Microsoft's development environments - see also chapter 2 of my WSH Tutorial, which is downloadable as a sneak preview from my web-site).

Method Remark
MinimizeAll Minimize all windows
UndoMinimizeAll Rollback the last action (e.g. MinimizeAll, MaximizeAll etc.)
TileVertically Tile windows vertically
TileHorizontally Tile windows horizontally

I used this know how in the following VBScript program to access the Shell object. The script is derived from my WSH Tutorial and demonstrates how to minimize/maximize and tile desktop windows using the Shell.application object and its methods.

' File:    Shell.vbs (WSH sample in VBScript)  
' Author: Günter Born
' Demonstrates how to access the Windows-Shell
' from a WSH script. The windows shown on the
' Desktop will be minimized and aligned
' horizontally/vertically.
' In no way shall the author be liable for any
' losses or damages resulting from the use of this
' program. Use AS-IS at your own risk.
' The code is the property of the author. You may
' use the code and modify it, as far as this header
' remains intact. Further updates and other samples
' may be found on my WSH Bazaar:
Option Explicit

Dim Shell, Title

Title = "WSH sample - by Günter Born"

' create WSH Shell object
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject ("Shell.Application")

If (MsgBox("Minimize all Windows?", _
            vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title) = vbYes) Then 
 Shell.MinimizeAll           ' MinimizeAll-method

 WScript.Echo "Undo?"
 Shell.UndoMinimizeAll       ' restore windows first
End if

If (MsgBox("Tile Windows Vertically?", _
            vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title) = vbYes) Then 
 Shell.TileVertically        ' vertically
 WScript.Echo "Undo?"
 Shell.UndoMinimizeAll       ' restore windows first
End if

If (MsgBox("Tile Windows Horizontally?", _
            vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title) = vbYes) Then
 WScript.Echo "Undo?"
 Shell.UndoMinimizeAll        ' restore windows first
End if

If (MsgBox("Cascade all Windows?", _
            vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title) = vbYes) Then
 WScript.Echo "Undo?"
 Shell.UndoMinimizeAll         ' restore windows first
End if

WScript.Echo "Ready?"
' End

The next sample demonstrate how to invoke several dialogs using the Shell.Application object and its methods.

' File:    Shell1.vbs (WSH sample in VBScript) 
' Author:  Günter Born
' Demonstrates how to access the Windows-Shell
' from a WSH script. We opens a folder window.
' In no way shall the author be liable for any
' losses or damages resulting from the use of this
' program. Use AS-IS at your own risk.
' The code is the property of the author. You may
' use the code and modify it, as far as this header
' remains intact. Further updates and other samples
' may be found on my WSH Bazaar:
Option Explicit

Dim Shell, wsh, Title, path

Title = "WSH sample - by Günter Born"

'create WSH Shell object
Set wsh = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")

path = wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")

' create Windows Shell Application object
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject ("Shell.Application")

' open a folder in the Explorer window
 WScript.Echo "Explorer Windows folder"
 Shell.Explore path

'show folder in a shell window
 WScript.Echo "Open Windows folder \System"
 Shell.Open path & "\System"

WScript.Echo "Ready?"
' End

The Shell object provides many other methods and properties which are described in my WSH book Inside Windows Scripting Host, published by Microsoft Press Germany and within my book Microsoft Windows Script Host 2.0 Developer's Guide, published by Microsoft Press USA. The documentation of the Shell object may be found also in the Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) - have a look at in the developers documentation, and search for Windows Shell (I forgot the exact location).


(c) Günter Born