Word: just a sample to access this application

WSH scripts provides a simple interface to access Office application like Microsoft Word from a script. Below I like to demonstrate how to access Word from a VBScript program. The script shall launch Word, set a few properties and show Word application properties in a dialog box. To access the Word application object, you may use the following command in VBScript:

Set objWrd = WScript.CreateObject ("Word.Application")

This command retrieves an object reference to the Word Application object. Because we omit here a version number, any installed Word version (95/97/2000) will be invoked. If you like to invoke Word 97 for instance, you must add also the internal version number as:

Set objXL = WScript.CreateObject ("Word.Application.8")

But this comes with the risk, that your script fails, if Microsoft Word 2000 is installed. Afterwards you can use the object variable objWrd to access the Application object and its sub-objects from the script. The following sequence sets the properties of the Word window:

objWrd.WindowState = vbNormal ' Normal
objWrd.Height = 300 ' height
objWrd.Width = 400 ' width
objWrd.Left = 40 ' X-Position
objWrd.Top = 20 ' Y-Position
objWrd.Visible = true ' show window

Then you may access other properties or create references to other sub-objects of the application object. The following two statements write something in the window's title and status bar.

' try to write something into the title- and statusbar
objWrd.Caption = Title
objWrd.Statusbar = "Date: " & Date

To quit Word, you my apply the Quit method to the Word Application object:


The following code listing shows a sample which invokes word, shows some properties and terminates.

' File:     Word.vbs (WSH sample in VBScript) 
' Author:   Günter Born
' Launch Word, set a few properties and show
' Word application properties in a dialog box.
' A sample derived from my books:
' Inside Windows Scripting Host, MS Press Germany
' Windows Scripting Host Tutorial, an E-book available from my WSH Bazaar:
' Check out Born's Windows Scripting Host Bazaar at:
' http://www.borncity.de
' In no way shall the author be liable for any
' losses or damages resulting from the use of this
' program. Use AS-IS at your own risk.
' The code is the property of the author. You may
' use the code and modify it, as far as this header
' remains intact. Further updates and other samples
' may be found on my site mentioned above.
Option Explicit
Const vbNormal = 0         ' window styles
Const vbMaximized = 1
Const vbMinimized = 2

DIM objWrd, objWb          ' Word object variable
DIM Title, Text

Title = "WSH sample - by G. Born"

' create Word object
Set objWrd = WScript.CreateObject ("Word.Application")

' set the Word window properties

objWrd.WindowState = vbNormal ' Normal
objWrd.Height = 200           ' Height
objWrd.Width = 400            ' Width
objWrd.Left = 100             ' X-Position
objWrd.Top = 100              ' Y-Position
objWrd.Visible = true         ' show window

' try to write something into the title- and statusbar
objWrd.Caption = Title
objWrd.Statusbar = "Date: " & Date

' ask, whether the window shall be maximized/minimized

If (MsgBox("Maximize window", _
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo, _
              Title) = vbYes) Then
  objWrd.WindowState = vbMaximized
If (MsgBox("Minimize window", _
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo, _
              Title) = vbYes) Then _
  objWrd.WindowState = vbMinimized
End If

' Query Word properties

Text = "Word properties" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
Text = Text & "window height " & vbTab & objWrd.Height & vbCRLF
Text = Text & "window width " & vbTab & objWrd.Width & vbCRLF
Text = Text & "window title " & vbTab & objWrd.Caption & vbCRLF
Text = Text & vbCRLF & "Word terminates..."
WScript.Echo Text

objWrd.Quit           ' quit Word
Set objWrd = Nothing  ' release object variable 
' End

Well, and here for all scripters who prefer JScript (I know, too much of my samples are kept in VBScript - but my books contain 95% of the samples both in VBScript and JScript) the JScript implementation - just straight forward.

File:    Word.js (WSH sample in JScript) 
Author:  Günter Born

Launch Word, set a few properties and show
Word application properties in a dialog box.

 A sample derived from my books:
 Inside Windows Scripting Host, MS Press Germany
 Windows Scripting Host Tutorial, an E-book avaiable on my WSH Bazaar:

 Check out Born's Windows Scripting Host Bazaar at:
 In no way shall the author be liable for any
 losses or damages resulting from the use of this
 program. Use AS-IS at your own risk.

 The code is the property of the author. You may
 use the code and modify it, as far as this header
 remains intact. Further updates and other samples
 may be found on my site mentioned above.
var vbOKCancel = 1;       // declare variables
var vbYesNo = 4;
var vbYes = 6;
var vbOK = 1;
var vbInformation = 64;
var vbQuestion = 32;
var vbCancel = 2;

var vbNormal = 0;         // window styles
var vbMinimized = 2;
var vbMaximized = 1;

var vbTab = String.fromCharCode(9);
var vbCRLF = "\n"; 

var Title = "WSH sample - by G. Born";

//  create Word object
var objWrd = WScript.CreateObject ("Word.Application");

// set the Word window properties
objWrd.WindowState = vbNormal; // Normal
objWrd.Height = 200;           // Height
objWrd.Width = 400;            // Width
objWrd.Left = 100;             // X-Position
objWrd.Top = 100;              // Y-Position
objWrd.Visible = true;         // show window

// try to write something into the title- and statusbar
objWrd.Caption = Title;
objWrd.Statusbar = "Date: " + Date;

// ask, whether the window shall be maximized/minimized
var wsh = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
if (wsh.Popup("Maximize window", 0, Title,
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo) == vbYes)
  objWrd.WindowState = vbMaximized
  if (wsh.Popup("Minimize window", 0, Title,
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo) == vbYes)
   objWrd.WindowState = vbMinimized;

// Query Word properties

Text = "Word properties" + vbCRLF + vbCRLF;
Text = Text + "window height " + vbTab + objWrd.Height + vbCRLF;
Text = Text + "window width " + vbTab + objWrd.Width + vbCRLF;
Text = Text + "window title " + vbTab + objWrd.Caption + vbCRLF;
Text = Text + vbCRLF + "Word terminates...";
WScript.Echo (Text);

objWrd.Quit();         // quit Word 
// End

Additional information about manipulating Word from WSH scripts may be found in my German and my English WSH books.


(c) G. Born