Revidierte Updates für Windows 10 und Internet Explorer

AmazonAm 29. 10. 2015 hat Microsoft zwei revidierte Updates erneut freigegeben. Es handelt sich um ein kritisches Sicherheitsupdate (MS15-106) für den Internet Explorer und ein kumulatives Update für Windows 10.


Hier die betreffenden Informationen von Microsoft zu den beiden revidierten Update-Paketen.

MS15-106 - Critical

 - Title: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (3096441) 
 - Reason for Revision: V2.0 (October 29, 2015): Bulletin revised
   to announce the release of a new Windows 10 cumulative update
   (3105210) to address an additional vulnerability, CVE-2015-6045,
   which has been added to this bulletin. Only customers running
   Windows 10 systems need to install this new update. Earlier
   operating systems are either not affected or they received the
   fix in the original updates of October 13, 2015. See Microsoft
   Knowledge Base Article 3105210 for more information and the
   download link.
 - Originally posted: October 13, 2015
 - Updated: October 29, 2015
 - Bulletin Severity Rating: Critical
 - Version: 2.0


 - Title: Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for October 2015
 - Reason for Revision: V2.0 October 29, 2015): For MS15-106,
   Bulletin Summary revised to announce the release of a new
   Windows 10 cumulative update (3105210) to address an additional
   vulnerability, CVE-2015-6045, and to add this vulnerability
   to the Exploitability Index. Only customers running Windows 10
   systems need to install this new update. Earlier operating
   systems are either not affected or they received the fix in
   the original updates of October 13, 2015. See Microsoft
   Knowledge Base Article 3105210 for more information and the
   download link.
 - Originally posted: October 13, 2015   
 - Updated: October 29, 2015
 - Version: 2.0

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