Windows 10 Creators Update: Accessibility-Features

Microsoft plant für das Windows 10 Creators Update auch Verbesserungen der Accessibility-Features (Funktionen zur erleichterten Bedienung) wie z.B. die Unterstützung für Braille-Tastaturen.


Für das im Frühjahr 2017 erwartete Windows 10 Creators Update hat Microsoft einiges an neuen Funktionen in Entwicklung. So langsam werden die Neuerungen bekannt. Heute, am 3. Dezember 2016, ist der Tag für Menschen mit Behinderungen (International Day of Persons with Disabilities). Passend dazu hat Microsoft im Blog-Beitrag Making Microsoft products more accessible: What to expect in 2017 nun dargelegt, wie man die Bedienbarkeit von Windows 10 in 2017 diesbezüglich verbessern will.

Bereits in Windows 10 Creators Update kommt eine verbesserte Sprachausgabe (Narrator) mit Braille-Unterstützung. Microsoft gibt folgende Verbesserungen für die Sprachausgabe an.

  • Braille: Support for braille is coming! The Creators Update will include beta support for braille input and output. The beta will support braille displays from more than 35 manufacturers, using more than 40 languages and multiple braille variants, including grade 2 contracted braille.
  • Unassisted installation: Users will soon be able to install the Windows 10 Creators Update using Narrator throughout the installation process, including from within Windows RE/PE for setup & troubleshooting.
  • New way to launch Narrator: We have changed the quick keys used to launch Narrator to address feedback from many Windows 10 users. Users can now launch Narrator by clicking CTRL + WIN + ENTER. WIN + ENTER no longer launches Narrator. Users can still launch Narrator from Cortana or from the Settings Window.
  • New text to speech voices and capabilities: We are adding more than 10 new voices. In addition, there will be Narrator support for multilingual reading, so that Narrator seamlessly switches between languages when you have the corresponding voices installed.
  • Improved audio experiences: We implemented dynamic ducking, so Narrator will only reduce the volume of other applications like Groove or Pandora when it is speaking. The handshake between Narrator and Cortana is also improved, so Cortana won't transcribe what Narrator (or other screen readers) is speaking.
  • More general reliability and usability improvements: We added features to make it easier to understand the context of a control with which you are interacting and to make it possible to discover information about objects like the background color of a table cell. Narrator will remember and maintain your mode, e.g. scan mode, across applications. Narrator cursor positioning improvements include stopping and starting where you expect when reading in scan mode and when reading by line, paragraph and in continuous reading.
  • Easier web browsing with Edge: Narrator responsiveness is improved with Edge and several new features have been added, including the ability to jump directly to a form element like a check box, text field or button, and the ability to navigate by heading level.
  • Improvements across devices: It will be now be possible to use a controller to drive Narrator interactions on Xbox. The ability to adjust the pitch and speed of the Narrator voice on Xbox has also been added.

Weitere Verbesserungen sollen in 2017 folgen. Auch in Office 365 plant man Verbesserungen in den Bedienelementen für Menschen mit Behinderungen. Details lassen sich im Microsoft-Beitrag nachlesen. (via, via)

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