Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Sicherheitspatch

Falls jemand noch Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 verwendet, sollte er ein Sicherheitsupdate einspielen. Microsoft hat gerade einen Update-Hinweis herausgegeben.


Title: Microsoft Security Update Releases
Issued: August 20, 2018


The following CVEs have undergone a major revision increment:

* CVE-2018-0952

Revision Information:

CVE-2018-8273 | Diagnostic Hub Standard Collector Elevation of
   Privilege Vulnerability
– Reason for Revision: Microsoft is announcing the release of
   security update 4456688 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
   Customers running this version of Microsoft Visual Studio should
   install this security update.
– Originally posted: August 14, 2018
– Updated: August 18, 2018
– Aggregate CVE Severity Rating: Important
– Version: 2.0

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