Wartungs-Update für VMware Workstation 12.5.1 und Player

Im September hat VMware die bereits im August angekündigten neuen Versionen der VMware Workstation 12.5 und des VMware Player 12.5 freigegeben (siehe VMware-Support für Windows 10 Anniversary Update). Nun gibt es bereits ein Update dieser Versionen von VMware Workstation und Player.


Es handelt sich um ein Wartungs-Update, welches einige Fehler beseitigt sowie eine Sicherheits-Lücke schließt. Problem ist die beschissene Webseite von VMware, wo man bei VMware Workstation und Player zwar viel Blah, Blah serviert bekommt. Aber man muss schon sehr genau suchen, um auf die Release-Notes zu stoßen. Wenn man gezielt nach der Versionsnummer 12.5.1 sucht, werden einem die Release-Note zu den Versions-Updates angezeigt.

Ich selbst setze die überfrachtete VMware Workstation 12.5.1 nicht ein und werde auch nicht kostenpflichtig upgraden, da ich nicht absehen kann, ob die Entwicklung weiter läuft. Da ich VMware Workstation 10.0.7 verwende, habe ich auch auf die Installation des VMware Player 12.5 verzichtet. Daher bekomme ich solche Updates nicht mehr mit. Dankenswerter weise haben die Kollegen von deskmodder.de einen Lesertipp bekommen.

Die Release-Notes zu VMware Workstation 12 Pro Version 12.5.1 vom 27. Oktober 2016 finden sich hier.

Known Issues

  • Using multiple monitors does not work on Ubuntu 16.10 virtual machines

    When using multiple monitors with an Ubuntu 16.10 virtual machine, you may see a black screen or all the displays on one monitor. This issue can occur when you cycle through three or more monitors. The issue can occur when you are using VMware Tools or open-vm-tools.

    Workaround: Reboot the virtul machine and cycle through the monitors again.

  • Virtual machines running Linux kernel version 4.7 or above may crash or hang on hosts with Intel CPUs

    Virtual Machines running Linux kernel version 4.7 or above may crash during installation or during power-on with a crash in the intel_powerclamp driver. This issue has been reported with Ubuntu 16.10, but it is a generic Linux kernel issue.

    Workaround: VMware is working with the OS vendors to have them fix their respective kernels. Until a fix is available, you can blacklist the intel_powerclamp driver so that the buggy code doesn't get loaded.

    To blacklist the driver:

    Add the kernel command-line option modprobe.blacklist=intel_powerclamp to the guest OS's default grub configuration or add it directly at the grub menu during boot.

  • VMware Tools service is not started in Ubuntu 16.10 guest

    After installing VMware Tools in an Ubuntu 16.10 guest, the VMware Tools service is not started. As a result, functionality provided by the VMware Tools service, for example, shared folders, is not available.

    Workaround: In the guest operating system, manually start the VMware Tools service.

    Log in to the guest machine and enter the following command: sudo systemctl start vmware-tools.service.

  • Some driver files are not deleted after uninstalling VMware Workstation from a Windows host operating system

    After VMware Workstation is uninstalled, the following driver-related files remain on the Windows host operating system:
    In C:\Windows\System32\drivers:
    vmkbd.sys in case Enhanced Keyboard Driver was installed.

    Workaround: Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers and delete hcmon.sys, vmci.sys, vmx86.sys, and vmkbd.sys.

Resolved Issues

  • Bridged networking not working

    If you delete VMnet8 and VMnet1 in the Virtual Network Editor, then bridged networking is no longer available after the host is restarted. This issue could appear after upgrading to Workstation 12.5.

    This issue is resolved.

  • vmrun commands fail on RHEL 6.8 and CentOS 6.8 hosts

    Trying to execute vmrun commands on a RHEL 6.8 or CentOS 6.8 host machine, results in errors.

    This issue is resolved.

  • hostd server does not start on RHEL 6.8 host

    If you install Workstation 12.5 on a RHEL 6.8 host machine, vmware-hostd cannot start. As a result, shared virtual machines are not available.

    This issue is resolved.

  • A virtual machine using EFI firmware sometimes crashes when it is powering on

    When powering on a virtual machine that uses EFI firmware instead of BIOS, the virtual machine sometimes crashes witha 0xc0000374 (Heap Corruption)exception.

    This issue is resolved.

  • Some driver files are not deleted after uninstalling VMware Workstation from a Windows host operating system

    After VMware Workstation is uninstalled, the following driver-related files remain on the Windows host operating system:
    In C:\Program Files\Common Files\VMware\Drivers\vmci\device:

    This issue is resolved

Die Release-Notes für den VMware Player 12 Version 12.5.1 vom 27. Oktober 2016 finden sich hier.

  • Virtual machines running Linux kernel version 4.7 or above may crash or hang on hosts with Intel CPUs

    Virtual Machines running Linux kernel version 4.7 or above may crash during installation or during power-on with a crash in the intel_powerclamp driver. This issue has been reported with Ubuntu 16.10, but it is a generic Linux kernel issue.

    Workaround: VMware is working with the OS vendors to have them fix their respective kernels. Until a fix is available, you can blacklist the intel_powerclamp driver so that the buggy code doesn't get loaded.

    To blacklist the driver:

    Add the kernel command-line option modprobe.blacklist=intel_powerclamp to the guest OS's default grub configuration or add it directly at the grub menu during boot.

  • Some driver files are not deleted after uninstalling VMware Workstation Player from a Windows host operating system

    After VMware Workstation Player is uninstalled, the following driver-related files remain on the Windows host operating system:
    In C:\Windows\System32\drivers:
    vmkbd.sys in case Enhanced Keyboard Driver was installed.

    Workaround: Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers and delete hcmon.sys, vmci.sys, vmx86.sys, and vmkbd.sys.

Resolved Issues

  • VMware VIX API files installed to the incorrect location

    When you install the VMware VIX API files, some files install to C:\, even when you select the default install path of C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware VIX.

    This issue is resolved.

  • vmrun commands fail on RHEL 6.8 and CentOS 6.8 hosts

    Trying to execute vmrun commands on a RHEL 6.8 or CentOS 6.8 host machine, results in errors.

    This issue is resolved.

  • Some driver files are not deleted after uninstalling VMware Workstation Player from a Windows host operating system

    After VMware Workstation Player is uninstalled, the following driver-related files remain on the Windows host operating system:
    In C:\Program Files\Common Files\VMware\Drivers\vmci\device:

    This issue is resolved.

Wer die Produkte lizenziert hat, kann die Updates auf dieser VMware-Webseite für Linux und Windows herunterladen.

Ähnliche Artikel:
VMware Fusion und Workstation vor dem Aus?
VMware Workstation 12.5 und VMware Player freigegeben
VMware legt Fokus auf profitable Produktlinien


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Eine Antwort zu Wartungs-Update für VMware Workstation 12.5.1 und Player

  1. Hardy sagt:

    Gab eigentlich keine Schwierigkeiten,über Hilfe nach Updates suchen dann wurde VMware Workstation 12.5.1 installiert.Alle Windows und Linux starten wie vorher,nur eben die Tools müssen wieder installiert werden.

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