Windows 8.1 Preview Rollup Update KB4025335

Microsoft hat heute das Preview Rollup Update KB4025335 für Windows 8.1 und Windows Server 2012 R2 freigegeben. Dieses adressiert u.a. den iSCSI-Bug.


Blog-Leser Leon hat mich per Mail darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass bei ihm die Updates KB4025335 für Windows 8.1 eingetroffen seien.

Windows 8.1 Update KB4025335

Beim Update KB4025335 handelt es sich um das Preview of Monthly Rollup für Windows 8.1 und Windows Server 2012 R2 vom 18. Juli 2017. Es ist kein Sicherheitsupdate und enthält alle Verbesserungen und Fixes von KB4025336(vom 11. Juli 2017). Hinzu kommen Qualitätsverbesserungen als Vorschau auf das August 2017 Monthly Rollup Update. Vor allem wird das im Blog-Beitrag Windows Server: iSCSI-Verbindungsproblem dank Windows Update von mir angesprochene Problem der scheiternden iSCSI-Verbindungen adressiert. Hier die komplette Liste der Fixes.

  • Addressed issue with a port and thread leak that can cause a broad array of symptoms including unresponsive systems and iSCSI target connection failures. This occurs after installing monthly updates released between April 11, 2017 (KB4015550) through July 11, 2017 (KB4025336). This issue was called out as known issue in the corresponding release notes for these releases.

  • Addressed issue where LSASS.EXE encounters a deadlock and the server must be rebooted.
  • Addressed issue where the Remote Desktop idle timeout warning did not appear after setting the idle time.
  • Addressed issue with MSiSCSI where the system process has a very high number of threads or the server runs out of ephemeral ports. This causes the system to stop responding or throw an error.
  • Addressed issue where when a failover cluster fails over from one server to another, a clustered IP address resource does not come online and causes the failover to stop functioning.
  • Addressed issue where a DNS server may crash after the import of the DSSet file when configuring secure, delegated child zones.
  • Addressed issue where Windows Server 2012 R2 servers might throw error 0x19 if the system has numerous iSCSI connections.
  • Addressed issue where if there was an error on a storage controller, some paths could not fail over to other paths. Instead, access to the disk was completely lost.
  • Addressed issue to prevent user logon delays when processes that have registered top-level windows fail to respond to BroadcastSystemMessages sent by the Group Policy Preference client-side extensions.
  • Addressed issue where Windows Server 2012R2 throws error "STOP 0XCA (Duplicate PDO)" when redirecting certain USB devices using RemoteFX. To fix this, do the following:
  1. Go to the registry location SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations.
  2. Create a new DWORD value "fUniqueInstanceID ".
  3. Set the value to "1".
  4. Reboot after setting this registry.
  • Addressed issue where enabling the policy "Display information about previous logons during user logon" prevents Remote Desktop Protocol providers from allowing logins with no user interaction.
  • Addressed issue where the TsPubRPC service running in Svchost.exeexperiences a memory leak when RemoteApp applications are configured with file type associations.
  • Addressed issue where files and folders accumulate in the UvhdCleanupBin folder in Remote Desktop session hosts. These files are not deleted when a user logs off if the path limit is exceeded. In extreme cases, this issue can cause logon failures.
  • Addressed issue where a Microsoft Enterprise CA cannot request that a Microsoft subordinate CA template be used for key encipherment. A single certificate can provide multiple usages like key encipherment and CRL signing.
  • Addressed issue to allow NPS servers to accept certificates with multiple usages.
  • Addressed issue where both transient and listener process TCP ports for the loopback sockets leak because of a leaked reference count. Such ports do not appear in NETSTAT.
  • Addressed issue to enable logging to detect weak cryptography.
  • Addressed issue with wireless network clients that disconnect from wireless access points after the EAPOL key retransmission timeout (5 minutes). This occurs because the M2 bit is incorrectly set during the four-way handshake.
  • Addressed issue where a request to a website results in a 503 response when IIS runs in "Dynamic Site Activation (DSA) Mode". This occurs when the default app pool identity is a specific user/password and a specific app pool's identity is configured to use "ApplicationPoolIdentity".
  • Addressed issue where NetInfo_list may not contain all the network interfaces information. Additionally, the DNS client cannot use all the connected network interfaces while sending the query. This occurs when the host is running in low memory when the NetInfo_Build gets started.
  • Addressed issue where if an interface is unavailable during the NetInfo_Build, the DNS client will not use that interface to send queries for the next 15 mins even if the interface comes back before 15 minutes.
  • Addressed issue to implement a callback function to receive a notification when an interface comes back after an unavailable state. This callback prevents a host from going into the sleep state.
  • Security updates to Windows kernel, ASP .NET, Internet Explorer, Windows Storage and File Systems, Windows Virtualization, Datacenter Networking, Windows Server, Windows shell, Microsoft NTFS, Microsoft PowerShell, Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, and Microsoft Graphics Component.

Microsoft gibt an, das keine Probleme mit dem Update bekannt sind. Das optionale Update wird über Windows Update verteilt, steht aber auch als Paket im Microsoft Update Catalog bereit. Eine Liste der Dateien aus dem Update findet sich hier als CSV-Datei.


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5 Antworten zu Windows 8.1 Preview Rollup Update KB4025335

  1. 1ei sagt:

    Hi, bisher hab ich noch nicht installiert ( Win 8.1 x64 Prof).
    Da das eine Preview und optional ist, bin ich nicht sicher, ob ich das benötige als autodidakt. Amateur……..bitte um Rat – Danke!

  2. Rolf Dieter sagt:

    Hallo 1ei,

    Ausblenden und gut.
    Da man momentan nicht einmal den offiziellen Updates von Microsoft trauen kann, könnte dieses Preview mehr Schaden als Nutzen anrichten.
    Wir lassen schon bei den wichtigen Updates zwei Wochen ins Land gehen, um die schlampige Updatepolitik vom MS zu umgehen.
    Dann sind zumindestens die meisten "Fehlerfrei", oder die "Fehlerhaften" wieder zurückgezogen worden.

  3. GB sagt:

    Unter Server 2012 R2 legt das Update die zertifikatsbasierte Computerauthentifizierung des NAP lahm. Leider lässt es sich auch nicht deinstallieren.

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