Multifaktor-Authentifizierung für Azure u. Office 365 gestört?

Aktuell (18. Oktober 2019) scheint es zu Störungen bei der Multifaktor-Authentifizierung für Azure und Office 365 zu kommen. Zumindest sind Kunden in Nordamerika betroffen. Ergänzung: Wir haben Sonntag, den 20. Oktober 2019, und die Störung hält an.


Ich bin gerade auf Twitter über eine Nachricht von Microsoft 365 Status gestolpert, die mich auf das Thema aufmerksam gemacht hat.

Dort wird Administratoren, die nicht auf das Admin-Center zugreifen können, geraten, die Statusseite von Microsoft 365 aufzusuchen. Auf der Microsoft 365 Service Health Status-Seite findet sich aktuell der nachfolgende Text:

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services
User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services. More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.
Current status: We're analyzing authentication logs to isolate the cause of the issue.
Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users if they utilize MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.
Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 4:30 PM UTC

Es gibt also laut Microsoft Probleme beim Zugriff auf Microsoft 365-Dienste von Microsoft. Vorher hatte Microsoft 365 Status Probleme mit der Multifaktor-Authentifizierung (MFA) auf Twitter eingeräumt:


Den Tweets kann ich entnehmen, dass das Leute Probleme mit der Multifaktor-Authentifizierung haben und sich nicht mehr anmelden können. Der Link im Microsoft 365 Service Health Status-Seite auf die detaillierte Statusseite dürfte dabei Probleme aufwerfen, da dazu einen Anmeldung erforderlich ist, die aber nicht funktioniert. Ich selbst kann mangels Nutzerkonto nichts testen. Ein Benutzer weist aber darauf hin.

Es scheint den Meldungen nach bereits der dritte Ausfal der MFA in diesem Jahr zu sein – können dann nicht mehr online arbeiten. Bei einer kurzen Suche bin ich auf Twitter dann auf einen Tweet von Mary Foley gestoßen.

Demnach betrifft es vor allem Kunden in Nordamerika. Auf allestö gibt es für Microsoft Azure nur kleinere Störungsmeldungen.


Der weist ab 15:00 Uhr eine Zunahme der Störungen auf. Der Dienstestatus für Office zeigt mir hier, dass alles im grünen Bereich ist. Jemand von diesem MFA-Problem in DACH betroffen? Eine Ursache ist mir noch unbekannt.

Das in obigem Video gezeigte Ereignis dürfte es eher nicht sein – da scheint eine BitCoin-Mining-Farm mit vielen Rechnern in China abzubrennen (das Ereignis war aber schon Ende September 2019, siehe auch die deutschsprachige Meldung).

Die Störung hält an

Ergänzung: Wir haben Sonntag, den 20. Oktober 2019, und die Störung hält an. Auf der Statusseite von findet sich die Information, dass das nächste Update bezüglich der Störung am Montag, den 21. Oktober 2019 (US-Zeit) erfolgen soll. Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir die Störungsinfo aus einer App herausgezogen und per Mail geschickt.

Teilen: Vorfall: MO193431, betroffener Dienst: Office 365-Portal, betroffenes Feature: Portal, aktueller Status: Dienst wird wiederhergestellt

-19.10.2019 08:21:47

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services using MFA

User Impact: Users may have been unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services when leveraging Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

More info: Users previously affected by this issue may not have received authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: Our services remain healthy, and we've confirmed via continuous service monitoring that all of the previously affected scenarios are working as expected. Additionally, we're progressing through our investigation to isolate the underlying problem.

Scope of impact: This issue could have affected any of your users located in North America if they leverage MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Start time: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

Next update by: Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 7:30 PM UTC

-19.10.2019 03:19:14

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services using MFA

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services when leveraging Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We're continuing to monitor the environment to ensure that the service remains stable while we further investigate the cause of impact.

Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users located in North America if they leverage MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Start time: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

Next update by: Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 7:30 AM UTC

-18.10.2019 23:20:33

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services using MFA

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services when leveraging Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: Our telemetry indicates that service has largely recovered. We're monitoring the environment to ensure it remains stable while we continue our investigation into the root cause of the problem.

Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users located in North America if they leverage MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Start time: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

Next update by: Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 1:30 AM UTC

-18.10.2019 20:11:39

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services using MFA

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services when leveraging Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We've taken multiple actions to mitigate impact and are working to validate service restoration. In parallel, we're continuing to review system logs and service telemetry to better understand the underlying root cause.

Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users located in North America if they leverage MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Start time: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 8:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 19:00:38

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services using MFA

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services when leveraging Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We've confirmed via telemetry and reports from some of the affected customers that service has recovered for a majority of impacted users. We're continuing to investigate log data to better understand what caused this issue and to validate which recovery measures we took restored service functionality. Additionally, our telemetry indicates that this issue was specific to users located in the North America region.

Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users located in North America if they leverage MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Start time: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 6:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 18:18:43

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services using MFA

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services when leveraging Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We're analyzing recent changes in the environment and reviewing networking logs in an effort to isolate the underlying source of the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users if they leverage MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Start time: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 5:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 17:19:06

Title: Unable to access Microsoft 365 services

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 services.

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We're analyzing authentication logs to isolate the cause of the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue could affect any of your users if they utilize MFA to access Microsoft 365 services.

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 4:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 16:53:35

Title: Unable to access the admin center

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

More info: Users may not receive authentication requests via phone call, SMS or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We're investigating support case details to isolate the scope of the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 4:00 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 16:36:44

Title: Unable to access the admin center

User Impact: Users may be unable to sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

More info: Users may not receive notifications on their mobile devices or within their authenticator app.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.

Teilen: Vorfall: EX193418, betroffener Dienst: Exchange Online, betroffenes Feature: Access, aktueller Status: Dienstbeeinträchtigung

-19.10.2019 05:38:15

Title: Can't send email with embedded images

User Impact: Users may receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR) when sending mail with embedded images in Rich Text Format (RTF) format.

More info: Users that are sending mail with embedded images in RTF format may see a 550 NDR. Additionally, meeting requests with images may also fail to be delivered. While we're focused on isolating the underlying cause of the problem, users can send their embedded image emails in HTML format to circumvent impact.

Current status: We've determined that the recent build deployment contains a code problem which is resulting in issues when the service attempts to convert embedded images in RTF format for outbound delivery. We're working on developing a temporary fix that will allow emails with embedded images to be delivered; though, the images will be reduced to a 1×1 size and thus be unable to view. We plan to deploy the fix to the affected machines after validating that it remediates the problem as expected. In parallel, we're performing extensive code analysis on the recent changes to understand the underlying cause of this issue.

Scope of impact: This issue affects only 22 percent of our mailbox servers, as a result only a portion of users may see problems sending emails with embedded images in RTF format.

Start time: Monday, October 14, 2019, at 12:00 AM UTC

Root cause: A recent change to the Exchange Online service is inadvertently causing issues when the service is attempting to convert embedded images in RTF format for outbound delivery, resulting in NDRs for these users.

Next update by: Sunday, October 20, 2019, at 7:30 AM UTC

-19.10.2019 02:12:01

Title: Can't send email

User Impact: Users may be receiving an Non-Delivery Report/Receipt when sending email.

More info: Additionally, users may be unable to send Rich Text File (RTF) format emails with embedded images.

Current status: We've identified that a build deployment has unexpectedly caused impact to Exchange Online infrastructure. We're working to halt the deployment to prevent further impact as we investigate potential mitigation steps for impact.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and the issue impacts a subset of users.

Next update by: Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 7:30 AM UTC

-18.10.2019 20:23:41

Title: Can't send email

User Impact: Users are receiving an Non-Delivery Report/Receipt when sending email.

Current status: We're currently reviewing trace logs alongside all diagnostic data collected thus far to determine a path to mitigation.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and the issue impacts a subset of users.

Next update by: Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 7:30 AM UTC

-18.10.2019 18:21:53

Title: Can't send email

User Impact: Users are receiving an Non-Delivery Report/Receipt when sending email.

Current status: We've completed our analysis of the Outlook and calendaring logs provided by your organization, but the results were inconclusive. We're currently working on reproducing the issue internally to collect additional data that will aid in our investigation.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and the issue impacts a subset of users.

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 6:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 15:17:11

Title: Can't send email

User Impact: Users are receiving an Non-Delivery Report/Receipt when sending email.

Current status: We're still in the process of gathering Outlook and calendaring logs to determine the cause of impact.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and the issue impacts a subset of users.

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 4:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 13:09:30

Title: Can't send email

User Impact: Users are receiving an Non-Delivery Report/Receipt when sending email.

Current status: We've analyzed message trace IDs and found an error which we believe is causing impact. We're gathering Outlook and calendaring logs to help us understand the cause of the error.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and the issue impacts a subset of users.

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 1:30 PM UTC

-18.10.2019 11:27:58

Title: Can't send email

User Impact: Users are receiving an Non-Delivery Report/Receipt when sending email.

Current status: We're reviewing support case data to determine the next troubleshooting steps

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and the issue impacts a subset of users.

Next update by: Friday, October 18, 2019, at 11:30 AM UTC



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Eine Antwort zu Multifaktor-Authentifizierung für Azure u. Office 365 gestört?

  1. Roland Moser sagt:

    Keine Cloud – Keine Abos – Keine Probleme.
    Ein wenig schwarz-weiss, aber mit einem Wahrheitsgehalt von mir geschätzten 90 %.

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