Exchange Online/Outlook beeinträchtigt (4./5. Februar 2020)

[English]Kurze Meldung für Nutzer von Microsofts Exchange Online/Outlook – die zuckeln mal wieder mit einer Störung des Diensts rum. Begann bereits am 4. Februar mit Exchange Online und hält zum 5. Februar 2020 mit Outlook noch an.


Ich glaube, ich lege mir einen Text-Bot für Cloud-Ausfälle bei Microsoft zu. Seit dem 31. Januar 2020 kann ich beinahe täglich über Probleme bzw. Störungen von Microsofts Azure Cloud-Diensten berichten. Letzter Schwank war der Teams Ausfall durch ein abgelaufenes Zertifikat.

Neue Störung in Exchange Online

Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mich bereits gestern Abend per Mail über neue Statusinformationen zu Exchange Online informiert (danke dafür). Auf Microsoft 365 Status habe ich noch nichts gefunden.

Exchange Online 4. Februar 2020

Hier die Statusmeldungen des Administrator-Dashboards vom 4. Februar 2020.

-04.02.2020 05:56:34

Title: Can't access archive mailbox

User Impact: Users' archive mailboxes may unexpectedly appear as empty.

More info: This is a continuation of EX199646.

Users' standard mailboxes are unaffected.

This issue only affects users who had an archive mailbox and had renewed their Exchange Online license or had their mailbox disabled and re-enabled between December 4, 2019 and January 11, 2020. Please contact our support team to expedite the reconnection of the archive mailbox.

Current status: We've deployed a restoration script in order to reconnect the archive mailboxes to a subset number of affected users. We're reviewing diagnostic data to identify the remaining users who may still be impacted and who have not received the deployment yet.

Scope of impact: Any user who has an archive mailbox and has recently renewed their Exchange Online license or have had their mailbox disabled and re-enabled may be impacted.

Start time: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 9:20 AM UTC

Root cause: A recent update to streamline the process of enabling and disabling mailboxes caused issues with archive mailboxes.

Next update by: Thursday, February 6, 2020, at 6:30 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 00:39:00

Title: Can't access archive mailbox

User Impact: Users' archive mailboxes may unexpectedly appear as empty.

More info: This is a continuation of EX199646.

Users' standard mailboxes are unaffected.

This issue only affects users who had an archive mailbox and had renewed their Exchange Online license or had their mailbox disabled and re-enabled between December 4, 2019 and January 11, 2020. Please contact our support team to expedite the reconnection of the archive mailbox.

Current status: We've reverted the change, which has stopped the issue from re-occurring, and we're continuing to gather data to manually reconnect the archive mailboxes for impacted users.

Scope of impact: Any user who has an archive mailbox and has recently renewed their Exchange Online license or have had their mailbox disabled and re-enabled may be impacted.

Start time: Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 9:20 AM UTC

Root cause: A recent update to streamline the process of enabling and disabling mailboxes caused issues with archive mailboxes.

Next update by: Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 6:00 AM UTC

Es gibt Probleme mit Mail-Archiven und E-Mail-Konten in Exchange Online – die möglicherweise auf eine Änderung von Dezember 2019 zurückgehen. Downdetector zeigt die gesamten vergangenen 24 Stunden eine kleinere Anzahl an Störungen an.


Exchange Online 5. Februar 2020

Auch zum 5. Februar ist das Problem wohl nicht ausgesessen. Hier die Statusmeldungen des Administrator-Dashboards – diesmal betrifft es Outlook.

-05.02.2020 06:12:33

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: We've reviewed the network traces provided and the results were inconclusive. We've requested that some users provide specific HTTP Archive (HAR) traces to assist our investigation.

Scope of impact: This issue may affect any users operating Outlook on the web during long-term sessions of 30 or more minutes via .

Root cause: A recent change is unintentionally affecting how connection requests are directed to Outlook on the web.

Next update by: Wednesday, February 5, 2020, at 9:00 AM UTC

-05.02.2020 01:53:12

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: We've received reports that impact persists after our attempted mitigation. We're reviewing network traces provided by affected users to help identify the next troubleshooting steps.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Root cause: A recent change is unintentionally affecting how connection requests are directed to Outlook on the web.

Next update by: Wednesday, February 5, 2020, at 6:00 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 09:52:22

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: After a period of testing, we've been unable to reproduce the problem. We're monitoring the service to ensure that we've recovered the service fully.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Preliminary root cause: root cause: root cause: A recent change is unintentionally affecting how connection requests are directed to Outlook on the web.

Next update by: Wednesday, February 5, 2020, at 2:00 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 08:47:12

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: We've made the settings change to allow connection requests to call to Outlook on the web via alternate infrastructure. We're testing whether these action steps have mitigated impact.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Preliminary root cause: A recent change is unintentionally affecting how connection requests are directed to Outlook on the web.

Next update by: Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 9:30 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 07:48:59

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: We identified a recent change that modified how connection requests are directed to Outlook on the web. We're looking into making a settings change that will allow connection requests to call to Outlook on the web via alternate infrastructure.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Preliminary root cause: A recent change is unintentionally affecting how connection requests are directed to Outlook on the web.

Next update by: Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 8:00 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 06:53:30

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: We're analyzing networking logs to gain a better understanding of how the requests are routed and where the issue is happening during the routing process.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 7:00 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 05:42:50

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

As a temporary alternative access method, users can try accessing Outlook on the web using this URL to circumvent impact:

Current status: We're reproducing the issue and gathering additional logs to help isolate the cause of the problem.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 6:00 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 04:34:29

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User impact: User inboxes may not show new email until manually refreshing or after changing folders when using Outlook on the web.

More info: Users may notice this issue after signing in to Outlook on the web for approximately 30 minutes from any browser.

Current status: We're reviewing client logs of affected users to help determine the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 5:00 AM UTC

-04.02.2020 04:08:23

Title: Inbox won't refresh in Outlook in the web

User Impact: Users inboxes may not show new emails until they are manually refreshed in Outlook on the web.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.

Das Outlook-Postfach wird nicht aktualisiert. Auf finden sich seit gestern immer mal wieder Störungsmeldungen zu Outlook, die gerade ansteigen. Meist werden aber Anmeldeprobleme angegeben. Jemand betroffen?


Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Cloud, Störung abgelegt und mit , verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

Eine Antwort zu Exchange Online/Outlook beeinträchtigt (4./5. Februar 2020)

  1. Das nicht, dafür geht scheinbar weltweit die Suche in Windows 10 1909 nicht.

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