Störung bei Exchange Online? (11.-14. August 2020)

[English]Seit dem 11.8.2020 kommt es bei Microsoft wohl zu einer größeren Störung des Zugangs zum Exchange Online-Dienst. Der Dienst ist in Teilfunktionen (Anmeldung, Zugriff) immer mal wieder gestört. Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir einige Infos aus dem Dashboard für Administratoren bereitgestellt.


Auf den Seiten wie oder im allgemeinen Office-Statusportal von Microsoft sowie auf dem Twitter-Kanal ist nichts zu finden. Andreas hat mir aber folgende Meldungen aus dem Dashboard geschickt – die Störung hält seit dem 13. August an. Frage: Ist noch jemand betroffen?

13.08.2020 22:55:03
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We believe that a recent service update introduced a code issue that's causing an unexpected increase in resource consumption on our infrastructure, resulting in impact. While we continue to confirm that this is the source of impact, we're developing and testing a potential code fix which we believe should remediate impact.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
Start time: Friday, July 17, 2020, at 12:00 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent service update introduced a code issue that's causing an unexpected increase in resource consumption on our infrastructure, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Friday, August 14, 2020, at 10:00 PM UTC
-12.08.2020 22:42:38
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We're continuing our review procedures into disabling a feature which is potentially causing impact. We're also working with affected users to gather network traces for further review.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
Next update by: Thursday, August 13, 2020, at 9:00 PM UTC
-11.08.2020 20:51:40
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We've identified a specific feature that may be resulting in impact. We're reviewing this feature to confirm if it's enabled in the currently impacted environments before disabling it as a potential mitigating option. In parallel, we've requested and are awaiting additional network trace logs and Non-Delivery Reports (NDRs) exhibiting impact for further investigation.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
Next update by: Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 9:00 PM UTC
-11.08.2020 05:55:40
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We're reaching out to affected users to collect additional trace logs of the issue for review. In parallel, we're continuing our analysis of the system logs to help isolate where the issue is occurring.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
Next update by: Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 7:30 PM UTC
-11.08.2020 04:21:44
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We're continuing to analyze the available Event Trace Logs (ETLs) as well as gather traces from affected users who are experiencing the failure for more information.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
Next update by: Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 4:30 AM UTC
-11.08.2020 03:21:54
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We're analyzing Event Trace Logs (ETLs) and associated data provided by impacted users to determine the source of the issue.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
Next update by: Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 2:30 AM UTC
-11.08.2020 02:37:34
Title: Any user or admin may experience various issues intermittently when using the service
User impact: Users or admins may experience various issues intermittently when using the service.
More info: The following entails the affected impact scenarios:
– Admins may experience intermittent issues when attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.
– Users may experience intermittent issues when sending or receiving emails via any connection method. Affected users may also see the following error message: "This message could not be sent. Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously."
Users and admins who encounter these issues may re-attempt these actions to complete the process.
Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.
Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently when attempting to send or receive emails, or admins if they're attempting to review or export logging results from the Exchange admin audit log.


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