Outlook.com war gestört (1. Okt. 2020)

Am heutigen 1. Oktober 2020 durften Anwender des Microsoft-Diensts Outlook.com eine weltweite vierstündige Störung durchleben. Folgt quasi auf den letzten Ausfall vor einigen Tagen.


Zum 28./29. September 2020 gab es die letzte Störung von Microsoft 365 – ich hatte im Beitrag Störung bei Microsoft 365 (28./29.9.2020) berichtet. Heute Früh hatte ich auf Twitter die Meldung zu einer weiteren Exchange Online/Outlook.com-Störung gelesen (und vorher einen Hinweis, dass es nur Indien beträfe bemerkt – daher greife ich es erst jetzt auf).

We've received reports of users experiencing issues accessing their Exchange Online accounts via Outlook on the Web. Our initial investigation indicates that India-based users are the primarily impacted audience. Further details can be found in your admin center under EX223208.

Ich habe eben mal auf allestoerungen.de nachgeschaut, die Störung bei Outlook .com war auch in Deutschland deutlich und dauerte ca. 4 Stunden.

Outlook-Störung (1.10.2020)
Outlook-Störung (1.10.2020)

Microsoft schrieb dann im Twitter-Kanal mehrere Folge-Tweets:

We've collected additional data from the affected infrastructures to determine impact to our Exchange online protocols. Additionally, we've identified this issue to be affecting users worldwide. Further details can be found in your admin center under EX223208. (Link)

We're reviewing recent changes to our service to further determine the cause of impact. Users may experience problems with various Exchange Online protocols including Outlook desktop, mobile devices as well as those dependent on REST functionality. (Link)

We've determined that a recent configuration update to components that route user requests was the cause of impact. We've reverted the update and are monitoring the service for recovery. (Link)

Rollback has mitigated impact for the affected features in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams (SI#MO223247). For impact to the Exchange service (SI# EX223208), majority of the users are seeing recovery and we're taking measures to ensure full recovery for all our users worldwide. (Link)

Mit anderen Worten: Eine Konfigurationsänderung war verunglückt und hat Outlook.com weltweit aufs Kreuz gelegt. Nach einem Rollback klang die Störung wieder ab. Inzwischen sollte es aber wieder weitgehend funktionieren. Auf der Office-Statusseite wird jedenfalls keine Störung angezeigt. Ergänzung: Netzwelt hat hier eine Karte der betroffenen deutschen Regionen veröffentlicht. Und The Verge behandelt das Thema hier, bei heise gibt es hier einige Infos.

Ergänzung: Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir die betreffenden Status-Informationen zum Vorfall: EX223208, betroffener Dienst: Exchange Online, betroffenes Feature: Access, aktueller Status: Dienst wird wiederhergestellt bereitgestellt (danke). Hier der Auszug.

Published Time: 01.10.2020 17:50:26

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This is an incremental update to provide the latest status on the issue.

Current status: While our telemetry indicates that impact has been mitigated for the vast majority of previously affected users, we're continuing work aimed at ensuring the service remains stable and resilient. We're restarting portions of infrastructure that continued performing below optimal thresholds after the update was reverted. This action is part of our ongoing traffic-management optimization procedures to alleviate the remaining impact. Please reference the post from Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 2:08 PM UTC for complete details on this event.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 7:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 16:08:58

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This issue primarily affects Outlook on the web, though some users may also experience problems with Outlook desktop and mobile devices. Users may also be unable to utilize some features that rely on Representational state transfer (REST) functionality.

Users able to connect to Exchange may experience delays sending and receiving email.

Current status: Our traffic-management optimization procedures are still ongoing as we work to remediate impact for the remaining affected users.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Start time: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 4:52 AM UTC

Preliminary root cause: root cause: A recent configuration update to the components that route user requests caused impact to specific features and services that utilize the Representational state transfer (REST) functionality within Microsoft 365.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 4:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 14:01:28

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This issue primarily affects Outlook on the web, though some users may also experience problems with Outlook desktop and mobile devices. Users may also be unable to utilize some features that rely on Representational state transfer (REST) functionality.

Users able to connect to Exchange may experience delays sending and receiving email.

Current status: Impact is remediated for most users. However, we're continuing to perform traffic-management optimization measures to ensure the service recovers for all users.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Start time: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 4:52 AM UTC

Root cause: root cause: A recent configuration update to the components that route user requests caused impact to specific features and services that utilize the Representational state transfer (REST) functionality within Microsoft 365.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 2:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 12:29:15

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This issue primarily affects Outlook on the web, though some users may also experience problems with Outlook desktop and mobile devices. Users may also be unable to utilize some features that rely on Representational state transfer (REST) functionality.

Users able to connect to Exchange may experience delays sending and receiving email.

Current status: The service has recovered for the majority of users. We are performing traffic-management optimization measures to ensure the service recovers for all users.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Start time: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 4:52 AM UTC

Preliminary root cause: A recent configuration update to the components that route user requests caused impact to specific features and services that utilize the Representational state transfer (REST) functionality within Microsoft 365.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 12:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 11:02:23

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This issue primarily affects Outlook on the web, though some users may also experience problems with Outlook desktop and mobile devices. Users may also be unable to utilize some features that rely on Representational state transfer (REST) functionality.

Users able to authenticate to Exchange may experience delays sending and receiving email.

Current status: Further analysis has determined that the issue is being caused by a recent configuration update to components that route user requests. We've reverted the update and telemetry shows that the service is now recovering.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Root cause: A recent configuration update to components that route user requests is causing impact to the service.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 10:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 10:03:08

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This issue primarily affects Outlook on the web, though some users may also experience problems with Outlook desktop and mobile devices. Users may also be unable to utilize some features that rely on Representational state transfer (REST) functionality.

Users able to authenticate to Exchange may experience delays sending and receiving email.

Current status: We've identified errors within network logs indicating a potential problem with traffic routing. We're performing additional analysis to confirm our findings and determine next steps in the investigation.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 9:00 AM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 09:24:43

Title: Users can't access Exchange Online

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using multiple protocols.

More info: This issue primarily affects Outlook on the web, though some users may also experience problems with Outlook desktop and mobile devices. Users may also be unable to utilize some features that rely on Representational state transfer (REST) functionality.

Users able to authenticate to Exchange may experience delays sending and receiving email.

Current status: We're evaluating recent changes within the affected infrastructure to determine if any additional factors could be contributing to the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 8:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 08:28:41

Title: Users can't access email using Outlook on the web

User Impact: Users may be unable to access email using Outlook on the web.

More info: Protocols utilizing Representational state transfer (REST) functionality may also be impacted.

While this issue primarily impacts Outlook on the web, users may be able to utilize the Outlook desktop or their mobile device to connect to Exchange.

Current status: We're collecting additional data from the affected infrastructure to aid in our investigation and to determine impact to other Exchange Online protocols.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 7:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 07:43:07

Title: Users can't access email using Outlook on the web

User Impact: Users may be unable to access email using Outlook on the web.

More info: Representational state transfer (REST) functionality may also be impacted.

Current status: We're investigating Outlook on the web and REST logs to determine the underlying cause of the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue could potentially affect any of your users intermittently if they are routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 7:00 AM UTC

Published Time: 01.10.2020 06:52:55

We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 60 minutes.

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