Microsoft 365: Probleme beim automatischen Aktualisieren der Shared Mailbox? (Jan. 2022)

[English]Es scheint aktuell massive Probleme mit Shared Mailboxen unter Microsoft 365 zu geben, die sich seit Januar 2022 nicht mehr automatisch aktualisieren können. Ein Blog-Leser hat mich am 20.1.2022 auf das Problem hingewiesen, es gibt aber mehr Berichte dazu. Ergänzung: Details von Microsoft nachgetragen.


Eine Leser-Meldung zum 20. Januar 2022

Blog-Leser Liam W. hat mich gestern Mittag (20.1.2022) per Mail über das Problem informiert (danke dafür, habe die Nachricht aber erst heute im Spam-Ordner gefunden, daher etwas verspätet hier im Blog). Liam schreibt:

Microsoft 365 Shared Mailbox: Probleme automatisches Aktualisieren

Guten Tag Herr Born,

Es scheint momentan ein Problem mit dem automatischen Aktualisieren bei Microsoft 365 Shared Mailboxen zu geben. Ich habe 4 User einer Firma bei denen dies nicht mehr automatisch geschieht sondern nur über "Ordner aktualisieren". Es scheint mit der Version 16.0.14729.20260 (Build 2112) zu sein, allerdings nicht bei allen Usern. Ich versuche momentan das Problem einzugrenzen. Auch auf Reddit sehe ich einen User sich über dieses Problem beklagen:

Shared Mailboxes not updating

Morning, we noticed slowly that shared mailboxes would sit at "Updating Folder" status in the Outlook client, on the latest build of 2112. If you manually click Update Folder it will work as it should but never automatically update after. This is starting to impact a small handful of clients as they update.

It seems to be related to cache mode, turning the shared folder download off under settings then back on fixes it or rebuilding the OST file. Is anyone else noticing this? We did open a support call with Microsoft and they helped point us to that setting but said nothing has been reported as a bug per the 2112 version.

Der Leser meint dazu: Vielleicht haben auch andere Leser Ihres Blogs das Problem? Liam will den "Fix" des An- und Ausschaltens der "download shared folder" testen – ich habe da aber noch keine Rückmeldung, ob das was gebracht hat.

Ich hatte zum 17.1.2022 auch den Beitrag Exchange Online aktuell gestört? (17.1.2022) hier im Blog, aber das soll ja behoben sein. Und es erklärt auch nicht die Berichte, die deutlich später aufschlagen.

Kein Einzelfall – das Web ist voll von Berichten

Ich habe mal ein wenig gesucht, und bin sofort auf einen weiteren Thread bei gestoßen, der das bestätigt. Der Nutzer schreibt dort zum 19.1.2022:


Shared mailboxes not updating

I had a quick question about exchange shared mailboxes. Lately I've had several people in my organization tell me that their shared mailboxes are not updating when emails are sent. They can manually update the folder and emails will come through but once manually updated nothing else comes through. I've tried clearing our their offline items, manually updating the folder after that, turning off a few different add on that could be causing issues, and removed their delegations and re-added them. We do have an exchange server that we use but I would think if it was a problem with the server that more people would be having this issue. Its also good to note that this is only an issue with the desktop app version of outlook so far.

Laut einem weiteren Post in diesem Thread hat Microsoft den Fehler in EX316072 bestätigt und schreibt dazu:

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: Our initial review of available service telemetry doesn't indicate that impact is occurring. We're continuing to monitor service health to ensure that our systems remain healthy, and if your users are continuing to see persistent impact, please reach out to your support representatives with client logs available to further assist.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and any shared mailbox attempting to automatically refresh may be impacted.

Ich bin aber nicht so ganz sicher, ob dies bei allen Betroffenen der Fall ist. Denn in der Techcommunity gibt es inzwischen den Thread Shared Mailboxes or Calendars not updating since mid Jan 2022 unless disable Shared Mailbox Caching, in dem ein Betroffener folgendes schreibt:


We're an MSP and since around 17th/18th Jan we've had one or two users in 7 different companies (tenants)  report issues with shared mailboxes or shared calendars they have access to not updating.

We've been able to get working again by simply unticking option in Outlook profile to cache shared mailboxes.

But with this amount of clients with the same issue, I've not been able to see anything regarding known M365 health / windows update issue that causes this in the last few days.  Anyone else seen this issue and know root cause or have any acknowledgement of known issue.

Dort melden sich weitere Nutzer mit Datum 19. und 20. Januar 2022, die ähnliche Beobachtungen schildern. Frage in die Runde der Administratoren, die die Funktion verwenden: Gab es diese Probleme bei euch? Sind die inzwischen behoben, oder weiterhin anstehend?

Ergänzung: Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir noch die Einträge zu EX316072 aus dem Status Dashboard zukommen lassen.

Published Time: 21.01.2022 21:54:05

Title: A small percentage of users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to bypass this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: We've successfully reproduced the issue in our internal environment and are reviewing the fresh Fiddler trace logs to understand where the problem with the new mail notifications is occurring, which will subsequently inform our next troubleshooting efforts.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Saturday, January 22, 2022, at 12:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 21.01.2022 19:21:02

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to bypass this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: Our review of the available logs has led us to suspect that there may be an issue with new mail notifications being dropped at some point during their lifecycle. We're attempting to reproduce the issue and gather fresh Fiddler trace logs which will allow us to confirm our suspicions, gain a better understanding of the cause of the problem, and identify our next troubleshooting steps.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Friday, January 21, 2022, at 9:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 21.01.2022 06:17:54

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to bypass this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: Our analysis of the provided logs has been inconclusive. We're reaching out to affected users to request Time Travel Debugging (TTD) traces and the time frame of impact so that we can identify the root cause and develop a potential fix.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Friday, January 21, 2022, at 6:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 21.01.2022 04:32:30

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: We've received additional network trace logs which we're analyzing to help us better understand the impact scenario, identify the source of the problem, and develop a potential fix.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Friday, January 21, 2022, at 5:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 21.01.2022 02:17:52

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: We suspect three potential sources of impact could be responsible for this issue – a User Interface (UI) delay resulting in a failure to update with the newly received emails; a networking issue contributing to a lack of notifications being delivered; or a potential issue involving the Outlook desktop client blocking notifications, resulting in the automated sync failure. We're awaiting additional diagnostic logs to help inform our investigation while, in parallel, we're working to gather any internal service health telemetry information and logging with insight into sync operations for additional clarity on how impact manifests.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Friday, January 21, 2022, at 3:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 21.01.2022 00:40:02

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: After reviewing recent service changes, we've confirmed that they're not contributing to impact. Our initial review of client captures provided by affected users indicates a potential delay in certain notifications, which may be resulting in impact. We're working with affected users to gather additional diagnostic data including network captures and messageIDs from the impacted mailboxes to isolate the underlying cause and develop mitigation actions.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Friday, January 21, 2022, at 1:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 19.01.2022 21:09:26

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: Our initial review of available service telemetry doesn't indicate that impact is occurring. We're continuing to monitor service health to ensure that our systems remain healthy. If impact persists, please reach out to a support representative with client logs available to further assist.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 11:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 19.01.2022 19:48:00

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem. Some affected users have reported that manually refreshing their folders using key shortcuts, such as pressing F9 or CTRL + M, may result in intermittent success as well.

Current status: We're reviewing system logs to determine the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: A small percentage of users aren't seeing their shared mailboxes automatically refresh.

Next update by: Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at 8:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 19.01.2022 18:41:25

Title: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client

User Impact: Users' shared mailboxes aren't automatically refreshing for new email in the Outlook desktop client.

More info: While we're focused on remediation, users that have access to Outlook on the web can use this connection method to work around this problem.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 60 minutes.


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11 Antworten zu Microsoft 365: Probleme beim automatischen Aktualisieren der Shared Mailbox? (Jan. 2022)

  1. Nobbi sagt:

    Na Gott sein dank es liegt an Microsoft XD ich bin schon am rotieren in der Firma. Seid Anfang der Woche massive Probleme damit. Allerdings hat das aus und einschalten der Cache Funktion nicht bei allen funktioniert. Das was bisher immer klappte war die Profile neu anzulegen, leider.
    Gut dann warten wir mal auf das Update :)
    Schönes ruhiges Wochenende allen

  2. Niels sagt:

    Kann ich zu meinem Leidwesen bestätigen.

  3. Christian sagt:

    Hier bei uns auch. 5-6 Personen sind betroffen. Alle haben das gleiche "riesige" Postfach eingebunden. Bei uns in der IT mit deutlich kleineren Postfächern kein Problem.

  4. Michael Uray sagt:

    Ich hatte letzte Woche bei mehreren Usern das Problem, das öffentliche Ordner vom Exchange nicht mehr synchronisiert wurden. Es half hier auch nicht auf den "Ordner aktualisieren" Button zu klicken.
    Das deaktivieren und aktivieren des lokalen Outlook Caches brachte nur kurzfristig Abhilfe, es trat danach bald wieder auf.
    Ich habe daraufhin bei den betroffenen Usern den Cache für die öffentlichen Ordner Favoriten ganz deaktiviert, was diese natürlich etwas langsamer macht, aber die User können inzwischen zumindest arbeiten.
    Eventuell besteht hier ein Zusammenhang.

  5. Seb Bo sagt:

    Wir konnten das Problem ebenfalls durch Abschalten des Cache Modus beheben. Es fiel in erster Linie in den Kalendern der Shared Mailboxes auf. Änderungen wurden nicht mehr synchronisiert. Teilweise tauchten auch bereits gelöschte Elemente einfach wieder auf. Die Größe der Orders scheint wenn nur eine untergeordnete Rolle zu spielen. Es gab Meldungen bei Postfächern mit 3 GB und bei welchen mit 35 GB Größe.
    Den Benutzern kann man die Lösung gut verkaufen, weil dann auch die Suche endlich (wieder) sauber funktioniert.

  6. KS sagt:

    Ich arbeite in einem Systemhaus und kann die Probleme bei diversen Kunden bestätigen. In letzter Zeit tritt das Problem gehäuft auf. Es gibt einen Supporteintag von Microsoft. Cache deaktivieren oder das Postfach nicht per Automapping einbinden. Das zweite hat weitere Vorteile ist leider aufwändig. Laut eines Kommentars von wollowski, reicht es das Postfach zusätzlich ein zu binden ohne das Automapping zu deaktivieren.

  7. TORAMBO sagt:

    Hallo Zusammen,

    gibt es schon Offiziele Meldung von Seiten Microsoft .
    Oder schon eine Lösung für das Problem?

    Desweiten Aktualiseren die Ordner Strukturen auch nicht. Somit muss jeder Ordner von Hand aktualisiert werden.


  8. MaWei sagt:

    Guten Tag,
    ich kann das Problem auch bei einem unseren Kunden mit E5 Lizenz bestätigen. Die Anzahl der User mit dem Nicht-Synchroniseren von zwei SharedBoxes wächst aber es gib noch immer User ohne die Probleme.

    Ein Nachstellen mit einem neuen User (eigener Account unter 2MB) in frischen Outlook in einer VM schien zunächst vernünfitg zu laufen. Nach zwei Tagen muß man wenigstens die Ordner in der SharedBox wechseln um aktualisiert zu werden.

    Neue Outlook Profile bei den betroffenen Mitarbeitern haben nicht geholfen.
    D.h. Sync von 3 Tagen – superschnell.
    Sync von 2 Wochen auch noch gut
    Umstellung auf Sync 3 Monate – erste Verzögerungen bei Status neu/gelesen und auch gelöschte verschwinden nicht automatisch.
    Und gewünscht wäre Sync 1 Jahr …

  9. Alex sagt:

    Guten Tag,

    anscheinend ist der Fehler wieder aktiv im aktuellen Update von O365 (16.0.14931.20604)

    Gestern wurde das Update "16.0.14931.20604" installiert und seitdem ohne Funktion.

  10. sagt:

    Hallo zusammen,

    @Alex: tritt auch bei mir auf – die Synchronisation der freigegebenen Postfächer ist seit der Installation des des Updates auf Version 16.0.14931.20604 auf vielen Clients beeinträchtigt. Das Abschalten des Caches für die Postfächer oder das Löschen des Registryschlüssels hat bisher geholfen.

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