Microsoft Cloud kurzzeitig gestört (21.7.2022)

[English]Kurzer Hinweis an die Leserschaft: Wer am heutigen Morgen (21. Juli 2022) Probleme hatte, auf Microsofts Cloud-Dienste wie OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Skype for Business, Office for The Web oder die komplette Microsoft 365-Suite, zuzugreifen, war nicht allein. Es gab eine größere Störung in der Microsoft Cloud – einige Leser haben mich per Mail informiert (danke dafür).


Komme heute früh beim Mail-Abruf erst etwas spät in die Pushen – es waren einfach zu viele Kommentare zu moderieren. Bereits um 8:10 hat sich Ingo W. per Mail gemeldet.

Guten Morgen Herr Born.

Mal so als Info.

OneDrive ist zur Zeit komplett tot.

Es ist keine Anmeldung möglich.

Es wird im Betriebssystem nix Angemeldet.

Über Internet von Win geht nix, auch nicht über Smartphone (Android).

Das MS-Konto ist nicht gesperrt!

Auch Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir um 8:55 Uhr folgenden Screenshot per Mail geschickt, der auf eine Störung der Microsoft Cloud hinwies.

Störung Microsoft Cloud (21. Juli 2022)

Eine kurze Abfrage auf bezüglich OneDrive bestätigt, dass es am heutigen 21. Juli 2022 eine Störung bei den Microsoft-Diensten gab, die aber wohl beseitigt ist (ich kann auf OneDrive zugreifen).

Störung Microsoft Cloud (21. Juli 2022)
OneDrive-Störung bei

Auf Twitter bildet @MSFT365Status diese Störungen in den nachfolgenden Tweets auch ab.

Störung Microsoft Cloud (21. Juli 2022)

Andreas P. hat mir dann per Mail die Statusmeldungen aus dem Admin-Portal zukommen lassen, die ich nachfolgend zur Information anhänge. Die Meldungen zeigen, dass die Störung bereits die Nacht begann, sich in Europa aber erst am frühen Morgen auf niederschlug.


Published Time: 21.07.2022 08:20:24
Title: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services
User Impact: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services.
More info: Users may be experiencing one or more of the following issues. Additional features or functionality may also be impacted.
– Microsoft Teams (Access, chat, and meetings)
– Exchange Online (Delays sending mail)
– Microsoft 365 Admin center (Inability to access)
– Microsoft Word within multiple services (Inability to load)
– Microsoft Forms (Inability to use via Teams)
– Microsoft Graph API (Any service relying on this API may be affected)
– Office Online (Microsoft Word access issues)
– SharePoint Online (Microsoft Word access issues)
– Project Online (Inability to access)
– PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate (Inability to create an environment with a database)
– Autopatches within Microsoft Managed Desktop
– Yammer (Impact to Yammer experiments)
– Windows 365 (Unable to provision Cloud PCs)
Current status: We're addressing any residual impact related to this event. In parallel, we are adding additional infrastructure to ensure the stability of the service as traffic returns to normal levels. Additionally, we are monitoring for any signs of failure until we're confident that all functions of the service are fully recovered.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user attempting to utilize any of the listed Microsoft 365 services.
Start time: Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 1:14 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which is causing an issue in which users may be unable to access or use various Microsoft 365 apps or functions.
Next update by: Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 8:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 21.07.2022 07:36:57
Title: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services
User Impact: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services.
More info: Users may be experiencing one or more of the following issues. Additional features or functionality may also be impacted.
– Microsoft Teams (Access, chat, and meetings)
– Exchange Online (Delays sending mail)
– Microsoft 365 Admin center (Inability to access)
– Microsoft Word within multiple services (Inability to load)
– Microsoft Forms (Inability to use via Teams)
– Microsoft Graph API (Any service relying on this API may be affected)
– Office Online (Microsoft Word access issues)
– SharePoint Online (Microsoft Word access issues)
– Project Online (Inability to access)
– PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate (Inability to create an environment with a database)
– Autopatches within Microsoft Managed Desktop
– Yammer (Impact to Yammer experiments)
– Windows 365 (Unable to provision Cloud PCs)
Current status: A large portion of the affected services have recovered; however, our telemetry indicates that a portion of users may continue to experience issues utilizing some features. We're performing targeted actions to address the impact that persists.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user attempting to utilize any of the listed Microsoft 365 services.
Root cause: A recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which is causing an issue in which users may be unable to access or use various Microsoft 365 apps or functions.

Next update by: Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 6:30 AM UTC
Published Time: 21.07.2022 06:32:12
Title: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services
User Impact: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services.
More info: Users may be experiencing one or more of the following issues. Additional features or functionality may also be impacted.
– Microsoft Teams (Access, chat, and meetings)
– Exchange Online (Delays sending mail)
– Microsoft 365 Admin center (Inability to access)
– Microsoft Word within multiple services (Inability to load)
– Microsoft Graph API (Any service relying on this API may be affected)
– Office Online (Microsoft Word access issues)
– SharePoint Online (Microsoft Word access issues)
– Project Online (Inability to access)
– PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate (Inability to create an environment with a database)
– Autopatches within Microsoft Managed Desktop
– Yammer (Impact to Yammer experiments)
– Windows 365 (Unable to provision Cloud PCs)
Current status: We're observing continued improvement for a majority of the functions within the Microsoft 365 apps. We're focused on the areas that have not recovered and are taking action to restore service at the highest priority.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user attempting to utilize any of the listed Microsoft 365 services.
Root cause: A recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which is causing an issue in which users may be unable to access or use various Microsoft 365 apps or functions.
Next update by: Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 6:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 21.07.2022 06:14:59
We're receiving many reports that users are able to access various Microsoft 365 services, and many functions are beginning to recover. We're continuing work to fully restore the service at our highest priority.
This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.
Published Time: 21.07.2022 05:46:02
Title: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services
User Impact: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services.
More info: Users may experience issues accessing or using features within the following Microsoft 365 services:
– Microsoft Teams
– Microsoft 365 Admin center
– Microsoft Word within multiple services
– Office Online
– SharePoint Online
– Project Online
– PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate
– Autopatches within Microsoft Managed Desktop
– Yammer
– Windows 365
Current status: We've taken action to reroute a portion of traffic in an effort to provide some relief. We anticipate that some users may be able to utilize various Microsoft 365 apps or functions.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user attempting to utilize any of the listed Microsoft 365 services.
Root cause: A recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which is causing an issue in which users may be unable to access or use various Microsoft 365 apps or functions.
Next update by: Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 5:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 21.07.2022 05:39:59
We're rerouting Microsoft 365 service traffic to an alternate region in an effort to provide some relief and potentially restore some functionality to the service.
This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 21.07.2022 05:34:50
Title: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services
User Impact: Users may be unable to use multiple Microsoft 365 services.
More info: Users may experience issues accessing or using features within the following Microsoft 365 services:
– Microsoft Teams
– Microsoft Word within multiple services
– Office Online
– SharePoint Online
– Microsoft Managed Desktop
Current status: This post is related to an ongoing Microsoft Teams issue under TM402718, that we believe may have downstream impact on the service listed above. We're currently investigating the full scope of impact. Our investigation has determined that a recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service. We're working to direct traffic to a healthy service to remediate the impact. In parallel, we're exploring other options to mitigate impact as quickly as possible.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user attempting to utilize any of the listed Microsoft 365 services.
Root cause: A recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which is causing an issue in which users may be unable to access or use various Microsoft 365 apps or functions.
Next update by: Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 4:30 AM UTC

PS: The Register hat es hier ebenfalls aufgegriffen.

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5 Antworten zu Microsoft Cloud kurzzeitig gestört (21.7.2022)

  1. Doc_WP sagt:

    Bei mir ist es heute so, dass ich auf outlook office365 Mails nicht via Pop3 Mailaccount zugreifen kann. Mails per Browser Interface funktionieren.
    Die Fehlermeldung besagt, dass die Anmeldedaten falsch seien, was nicht stimmt.
    Ein gleichartiges Problem hatte ich im Juni, das 2 Tage anhielt.

    • Doc WP sagt:

      Mein geschildertes Problem hatte wohl nichts mit der Cloud-Störung zu tun, sondern ist ein anderes, hat mit der Einführung der "Modern Authentication" durch MS zu tun. (

      Das Mail-System wurde von einem "normalen" Provider letztes Jahr auf umgestellt. Alle Welt scheint davon auszugehen, dass jeder seine Mails mit MS Outlook empfängt, ich jedoch nicht, ich verwende noch das Windows Live Mail, alternativ Mozilla Thunderbird.
      Nun scheint es so zu sein, dass MS die "Basic Authentication" sukzessive abschaltet, aber nicht in jedem Fall gleichzeitig die "Modern Authentication" aktiviert. So entstehen merkwürdige Effekte, in meinem Fall funktionierte IMAP mit Basic Authentication, aber kein POP3, auch nicht mit Modern Authentication.
      Da ich selbst keinen Zugriff auf die Postfach-Einstellungen hatte, musste ich den Administrator bitten, die Einstellungen vorzunehmen.
      Eine gute Schilderung des Problems mit Lösungsweg habe ich hier gefunden:
      Das könnte vermutlich auf die Dauer auch mal ein Thema für diesen Blog werden…
      Mir wurde jedenfalls klar, dass ich mein Live Mail wohl nur noch bis Oktober verwenden kann, POP3 funktioniert mit Thunderbird hoffentlich aber noch langfristig.

  2. Daniel sagt:

    Konnten keine Probleme in CH feststellen außer einer Azure-App

  3. Herr IngoW sagt:

    Im Moment läuft es hier wieder.
    Es gibt laut: noch ein paar Probleme.
    Es sind "" (hier OK) und "Teams" (nicht im gebrauch)

  4. Michael K. sagt:

    Aktuell noch kein Login möglich im Azure-Portal.

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