Windows 10: Sicherheitsupdates 11. April 2017

Microsoft hat zum Patchday 11. April 2017 die Sicherheitsupdates KB4015583 (Windows 10 Version 1703), KB4015217 (Windows 10 Version 1607), KB4015219 (Windows 10 Version 1511) und KB4015221 (Windows 10 RTM) freigegeben. Hier die Details der einzelnen Updates.


Update KB4015583 für Windows 10 Version 1703

Update KB4015583 hebt Windows 10 Creators Update auf die Build 15063.138 an. Das Update fixt Probleme mit aktualisierten Zeitzoneninformationen. Zudem enthält das kumulative Update Sicherheitsaktualisierungen für:

Scripting Engine, libjpeg image-processing library, Hyper-V, Windows kernel-mode drivers, Adobe Type Manager Font Driver, Internet Explorer, Graphics Component, Active Directory Federation Services, .NET Framework, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, Microsoft Edge and Windows OLE.

Das Update wird per Windows Update ausgerollt, lässt sich aber auch über den Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen.

Update KB4015217 für Windows 10 Version 1607

Update KB4015217 hebt Windows 10 Anniversary Update auf die Build 14393.1066 (PC) und 14393.1083 (Mobile) an. Das Update adressiert folgende Probleme:

  • Addressed issue that was preventing the Camera application from saving a captured image when "Show recently opened items in Jump Lists on Start or the taskbar" settings is enabled.
  • Improved the Host Network Service (HNS) to support an overlay network driver for use on Windows Server 2016 to connect containers across hosts using Docker Engine in Swarm Mode.
  • Addressed issue that was not allowing users to access online help content when clicking the help icon in various Windows applications, such as File Explorer.
  • Addressed issue where displays turn off unexpectedly even when Turn off display and Screen saver are disabled in the power profile.
  • Addressed an issue where CredentialGuard-enabled computers joined to Active Directory domains submit two bad logon attempts each time a bad password is provided during a Kerberos-based logon. Logons to Active Directory domains with arbitrarily low account lockout thresholds may be subject to unexpected account lockouts. For example, 2 logons with a bad password could result in an account being locked out if the account lockout threshold is set to 3 or 4.
  • Addressed issue that increases CPU usage when IP forwarding or weak host is enabled.
  • Addressed issue where some of the VPN drivers do not get migrated when upgrading the OS to Windows 10, version 1607.
  • Addressed issue that causes virtual machines to fail during high I/O scenarios where the user may log in multiple times.
  • Addressed issue that was causing connections (after the 1st connection request) from a Remote Desktop Client to a Remote Desktop session to fail after upgrading from Windows 10, version 1511, to Windows 10, version 1607.
  • Addressed issue that was causing the Command prompt to be not displayed properly through the serial console on headless systems.
  • Addressed issue that was causing MDM enrollment failtures on devices using Kerberos authentication.
  • Addressed issue with rendering when a webpage contains a DIV element that has the contenteditable attribute.
  • Addressed issue that causes text to disappear when you resize an Internet Explorer window when the encoding is Hebrew and any text ends with an underscore character.
  • Addressed issue that was causing headless machines to not go into S3 sleep mode sometimes.
  • Enabled warning message in Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) to alert administrators of a design change that may prevent the processing of a User Group after installing security update MS16-072 (KB3163622).
  • Addressed an issue that was causing Windows Explorer to perform an endless, rapid refresh of a network drive that is mapped to a share, preventing users from performing tasks such as rename object.
  • Addressed a memory leak in Internet Explorer when hosting a page that contains nested framesets, which load cross-domain content.
  • Addressed an issue that was causing the print spooler service to hang instead of showing a timeout error when a connection between a bluetooth printer and the machine is lost during printing.
  • Addressed an issue that was preventing installation of a new printer driver that uses v3 printer drivers.
  • Improved the reliability of Load Balancing/Failover (LBFO) whenever there is a resource rebalance, a device failure, or a surprise removal of a device.
  • Addressed additional issues with updated time zone information, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge.
  • Security updates to Scripting Engine, libjpeg image-processing library, Hyper-V, Win32k, Adobe Type Manager Font Driver, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Graphics component, Active Directory Federation Services, .NET Framework, Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, Windows Kernel model drivers and Windows OLE.

Das Update wird per Windows Update ausgerollt, lässt sich aber auch über den Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen. Dort steht es auch als Delta-Update bereit.


Update KB4015219 für Windows 10 Version 1511

Update KB4015219 hebt Windows 10 Version 1511 auf die Build 10586.873 an. Das Update adressiert folgende Probleme:

  • Addressed issue that was preventing the Camera application from saving a captured image when "Show recently opened items in Jump Lists on Start or the taskbar" settings is enabled.
  • Addressed an issue where CredentialGuard-enabled computers joined to Active Directory domains submit two bad logon attempts each time a bad password is provided during a Kerberos-based logon. Logons to Active Directory domains with arbitrarily low account lockout thresholds may be subject to unexpected account lockouts. For example, 2 logons with a bad password could result in an account being locked out if the account lockout threshold is set to 3 or 4.
  • Addressed issue that might sometimes lead to updates not getting installed on machines due to file corruption.
  • Addressed issue with devices using certificate-based WLAN authentication to not automatically renew their certificates when the devices are in sleep mode.
  • Addressed issue that prevents users from accessing data stored in remote encrypted shares even when offline caching is not enabled.
  • Addressed issue where a memory leak occurs in Internet Explorer when hosting pages containing nested framesets that load cross domain content.
  • Addressed additional issues with updated time zone information and updates to the Access Point Name database and Internet Explorer.
  • Security updates to Scripting Engine, libjpeg image-processing library, Hyper-V, Win32k, Adobe Type Manager Font Driver, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Graphics component, .NET Framework, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, Windows Kernel mode drivers and Windows OLE.

Das Update wird per Windows Update ausgerollt, lässt sich aber auch über den Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen.

Update KB4015221 für Windows 10 Version 1507 (RTM)

Update KB4015221 hebt Windows 10 RTM auf die Build 10240.17354 an. Das Update adressiert folgende Probleme:

  • Addressed issue where the copy operation fails when copying a file that has Encrypted File System (EFS) encryption to a share that is not encrypted by EFS.
  • Addressed an issue where CredentialGuard-enabled computers joined to Active Directory domains submit two bad logon attempts each time a bad password is provided during a Kerberos-based logon. Logons to Active Directory domains with arbitrarily low account lockout thresholds may be subject to unexpected account lockouts. For example, 2 logons with a bad password could result in an account being locked out if the account lockout threshold is set to 3 or 4.
  • Addressed issue that prevents the launch of the Delete Browsing History window in Internet Explorer.
  • Addressed a memory leak in Internet Explorer when hosting pages containing nested framesets that load cross domain content.
  • Addressed additional issues with updated time zone information, updates to the Access Point Name database and Internet Explorer.
  • Security updates to Scripting Engine, libjpeg image-processing library, Hyper-V, Win32k, Adobe Type Manager Font Driver, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Graphics component, .NET Framework,  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, Windows kernel mode drivers and Windows OLE.

Das Update wird per Windows Update ausgerollt, lässt sich aber auch über den Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen.

Ähnliche Artikel:
Adobe Flash-Update (11. April 2017)
Adobe Reader Sicherheits-Update (April 2017)
Windows 10: Sicherheitsupdates 11. April 2017
Windows 7/8.1: Sicherheitsupdates 11. April 2017
April 2017-Sicherheitsupdates für Office, IE und .NET


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Eine Antwort zu Windows 10: Sicherheitsupdates 11. April 2017

  1. TAusendstein sagt:

    Nach dem Ausführen des Creator Updates habe ich jetzt immer den Fehler "Active Directory Domaindienst nicht verfügbar" und meine VBA Programme, die die "Application"-Methode aufrufen verursachen auf einmal Fehlermeldungen….

    Ich HASSE Microsoft. Früher hatte man wenigstens Jahre meistens irgendwie Ruhe. Jetzt muss man bei jedem Update fürchten, dass irgendwas nicht mehr läuft.

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