Windows 10 Build 15055 im Fast Ring verfügbar

Microsoft hat gestern (10.3.2017) die Build 15055 von Windows 10 für PCs und Mobilgeräte im Fast Ring für Insider bereitgestellt. Es ist die erste Build, in der die Version 1703 bestätigt wird.


Die Ankündigung erfolgte durch Dona Sarkar per Twitter und anschließend im Windows-Blog, wo auch Details nachlesbar sind.

Die Build enthält eine Reihe kleinerer Verbesserungen und Fixes. So soll der Fehler 0x80070228, der beim Download der Build auf Systemen mit installiertem Symantec/Norton Antivirus behoben sein. Das erfordert aber die aktuelle Version des Virenscanners.

Der Absturz bei 71% während der Installation, der in vorherigen Builds einige Benutzer genervt hat, soll jetzt behoben sein. Die Build soll sich nun auch installieren lassen, wenn die Vorgängerversion bereits zusätzliche Sprachpakete beinhaltet. Ist für mich eine wichtige Information, da ich gestern genau dies in einer VM-Testinstallation genutzt habe. Hier noch eine Liste weiterer Fixes für die PC-Version.


  • We fixed an issue where sometimes the context menu when right-clicking a misspelled word in Microsoft Edge would launch in an unexpected place or under the Edge window.
  • When using "Cast media to device" in Microsoft Edge, it will now open the Connect pane (also seen when using Win + K).
  • We fixed an issue from recent builds where Microsoft Edge might immediately show a "Not responding" state after opening a link or pasting a URL in a new tab.
  • We fixed an issue where sometimes the tab mouse-over description tooltips in Microsoft Edge would stay on the screen even after closing the relevant tab.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in Microsoft Edge unexpectedly attempting to download certain webpages rather than navigating to them when the uBlock Origin extension was enabled.
  • We fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to use touch to set focus to text boxes in Microsoft Edge's Web Notes in order to enter text.
  • We fixed an issue where, after using Ctrl + W to close multiple tabs in Microsoft Edge at once, the active tab might lose focus and keyboard shortcuts would stop working until moving focus away from and back to the tab.
  • We fixed an issue recently where if you have selected text in Microsoft Edge, moved focus away from the window, then returned focus using Alt + Tab or the mouse, trying to copy the selected text wouldn't work. We also fixed a recent issue where if you used Ctrl + C to copy selected text in the Edge URL bar, and then Ctrl + Shift + P to open a new InPrivate window or Ctrl + N to open a new regular window, using Ctrl + V to paste the copied URL into the new window's address bar wouldn't work.
  • We fixed an issue for Insiders where, if focus was set to a Microsoft Edge window, touchpad and keyboard input might periodically stop working for a few seconds at a time.
  • We fixed an issue for Insiders with multiple monitors resulting in flickering and rendering issues when the Hub button in Microsoft Edge was pressed.
  • We fixed an issue where Insiders with multiple monitors might find one of their monitors would stop rendering (with the exception of the mouse).
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Microsoft Groove sometimes no longer rendering correctly after snapping the app to one side of the monitor and changing the size.
  • We fixed an issue from recent flights resulting in the taskbar getting into a state where many of the thumbnail previews would be unexpectedly blank.
  • We fixed an issue for certain USB-powered monitors where the taskbar clock would sometimes stop rendering for a few minutes (seemingly stuck, but would refresh on mouse-over).
  • We fixed an issue where the battery flyout would crash the second time the battery icon in the taskbar was clicked.
  • We fixed an issue from recent flights resulting in OneDrive.exe unexpectedly sometimes running with a high percent CPU for a long time.
  • We fixed an issue that Insiders may have experienced resulting in paste not working if the copied content was from a UWP app that was currently suspended.
  • We fixed an issue where certain devices were unexpectedly not being discovered when searching for available pairings to add in Bluetooth & Other Devices Settings.
  • We fixed an issue where for those with certain printers, clicking on "More settings" in the UWP app print dialog would result in the print dialog hanging.
  • We fixed a recent issue where many of the advanced settings dialogs, such as the one seen when searching for driver updates, were grey or had grey components instead of the expected white.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Windows Defender Antivirus notifications not opening Windows Defender Security Center when clicked.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error dialog citing a TabTip.exe runtime error unexpectedly appearing on the login screen for some Insiders.

Die Fixes bei Mobilgeräten sind dieses Mal ausgesprochen knapp gehalten:

  • We fixed an issue from recent flights where the volume control might stop working when listening to music in Groove after an endpoint change (for example plugging in headphones).
  • We've improved speech reliability by fixing a bug where Cortana was unexpectedly failing with a connection error.
  • We fixed an issue where multi-turn Cortana speech interactions weren't working (for example, when creating a reminder in multiple parts, as opposed to doing it in a single sentence).

Diese Build weist im PC-Bereich noch einige Probleme auf, die man bei der Installation berücksichtigen muss. Wer den fehlerhaften Registrierungsschlüssel für IPv6 in der Build 15042 angepasst hat, muss diese Änderung rückgängig machen. Beim Upgrade von Build 15002 und höher liefern einige Systeme einen SYSTEM_PTE_MISUSE-Fehler und die Installation scheitert. Weiterhin gibt es folgende Bugs.

  • Some apps and games may crash due to a misconfiguration of advertising ID that happened in a prior build. Specifically, this issue affects new user accounts that were created on Build 15031. The misconfiguration can continue to persist after upgrading to later builds. The ACL on the registry key incorrectly denies access to the user and you can delete the following registry key to get out of this state:


  • There is a bug in this build that can cause a number of inbox apps to fail to launch (such as Store). If you run into this, you can reset the app by going to Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Store > Advanced Options and pressing the "Reset" button. which should allow you to use the app as normal. However, please note this issue also prevents you from taking any app updates from the Store. A workaround for this is to uninstall the app and reinstall the app from the Store. This issue will be fixed in the next build.
  • There is a bug where if you need to restart your PC due to a pending update like with the latest Surface firmware updates, the restart reminder dialog doesn't pop up. You should check Settings > Update & security > Windows Update to see if a restart is required.
  • In the last build, we noted that we had fixed the issue where some UWP apps may unexpectedly appear with their app package name in the title bar as opposed to the app name. However, Insiders reported back that they were still seeing apps showing their app package name in the title bar. Thanks to Insiders who gave us this feedback, a second bug was discovered causing the same issue.
  • [GAMING] Certain hardware configurations may cause the broadcast live review window in the Game bar to flash Green while you are Broadcasting. This does not affect the quality of your broadcast and is only visible to the Broadcaster.
  • Issues may occur when exploring pages using the F12 Developer Tools in Microsoft Edge with cross-origin iframes (e.g. the DOM explorer shows only the iframe DOM, the Console frame selector doesn't list the iframes, etc.).
  • Pressing F12 to open the Developer Tools in Microsoft Edge while F12 is open and focused may not return focus to the tab F12 is opened against, and vice-versa.
  • Surface Pro 3 devices will fail to update to new builds if a SD memory card is inserted. To take a new build, remove the SD memory card. You can re-insert the SD memory card after the latest build is installed.

Bei der Build für Mobilgeräte gibt es folgende Probleme:

  • We have discovered a bug that causes background tasks to not run in the background like they should such as OneDrive's camera roll sync feature. Please double check your photos have synced to OneDrive on the latest builds. We've got a fix for this issue coming in an upcoming build where background tasks will run again and your camera roll will sync to OneDrive as expected.
  • If your device experiences an unexpected reboot, in some cases you may lose your call, text, and email history may be lost. We're actively investigating this issue. If you believe you've hit this, please up-vote this feedback item In Feedback Hub.
  • There is a bug in this build that can cause a number of inbox apps to fail to launch (such as Store). There is no workaround to reset the Store unfortunately. This issue also prevents you from taking any app updates from the Store if the Store works for you. A workaround for this is to uninstall the app and reinstall the app from the Store. This issue will be fixed in the next build. Speech packs may be unable to download on this build.
  • Some users are reporting that pages are constantly reloading or refreshing, especially while they are in the middle of scrolling them in Microsoft Edge. We're investigating.

Ich versuche die Build im Laufe des Wochenendes mal herunterzuladen und zu testen. PS: Wer die Änderungen lieber in Deutsch nachlesen will, findet bei Dr. Windows eine Übersetzung.


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4 Antworten zu Windows 10 Build 15055 im Fast Ring verfügbar

  1. saghaar sagt:

    "wo auch Details nachlesbar sin."
    ein d dran… :)

  2. Paul Kröher sagt:

    Unerklärlich: Nach jedem Update mache ich ein Backup mittels BackupbootCD.
    Nach Update auf 15055 stockt plötzlich die Backup Routine. Es dauert eine ganze Zeit, bis ich im Backup Vorgang fortfahren kann. Zwischendurch dachte ich schon, das Backupprogramm hätte sich aufgehangen.
    Diese "Wartezeiten" hatte ich vor 15055 nicht.
    Eigentlich kann doch 15055 gar nicht aktiv sein, wenn ich von der Backup-Boot-CD boote oder doch?

  3. Peter sagt:

    In 15055 hat bei mir zunächst mal die Wetter-App nicht mehr funktioniert. Nach deinstallieren einer "Bing-Wetter-App" und Neuinstallation von MSN Wetter geht´s wieder wie gehabt.

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