Microsoft 365 gestört (13. Februar 2020)

[English]Kurzer Wink vorm Feierabend: Wenn es mit der Microsoft Cloud ruckelt, liegt es nicht an eurem Internetkabel. Microsoft hat eine Störung auf Microsoft 365 in seiner Cloud gemeldet. Ergänzung: Es scheint Zertifikatsprobleme zu geben.


Ich bin mal wieder nichts ahnend so auf Twitter unterwegs, als mir dieser Tweet vor die Füße plumpste.

Auf gibt es die letzten 24 Stunden immer mal wieder Störungen mit Spitzen kurz vor 14.00 Uhr. Die Statusseite gibt – laut nachfolgendem Tweet – nicht allzu viele Informationen her.

Jemand von euch betroffen? Ergänzung: Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir Details aus dem Admin-Bereich zugeschickt:

-13.02.2020 21:44:59

Title: Certificate prompts in Outlook

User Impact: Users may be experiencing certificate prompts when accessing Exchange Online using Outlook.


More info: Users using Outlook for accessing Exchange Online may experience the following prompt:
"Security Alert –"
Users are able to bypass the prompt by clicking 'Yes'.

Current status: Following our security prompt and certificate investigation, we've identified a third-party certificate issue that's producing certificate prompts when accessing Exchange Online using Outlook. We've confirmed the certificate provider is working on a fix.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and may impact any user using Outlook to access the Exchange Online service.

Root cause: A third-party certificate issue is producing unexpected certificate prompts when accessing Exchange Online using Outlook.

Next update by: Friday, February 14, 2020, at 8:00 PM UTC

-13.02.2020 19:52:34

Title: Certificate prompts in Outlook

User Impact: Users may be experiencing certificate prompts when accessing Exchange Online using Outlook.

More info: Users using Outlook for accessing Exchange Online may experience the following prompt:
"Security Alert –"
Users are able to bypass the prompt by clicking 'Yes'.

Current status: We've identified a group of security certificates that may be contributing to this and are reviewing details and configurations of these certificates to identify our next troubleshooting steps. In parallel, we're continuing to investigate system logs and the offending security prompt.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and may impact any user using Outlook to access the Exchange Online service.

Next update by: Thursday, February 13, 2020, at 10:00 PM UTC

-13.02.2020 18:17:01

Title: Certificate prompts in Outlook

User Impact: Users may be experiencing certificate prompts when accessing Exchange Online using Outlook.

More info: Users using Outlook for accessing Exchange Online may experience the following prompt: "Security Alert –"
Users are able to bypass the prompt by clicking 'Yes'.

Current status: We're analyzing system logs and the security prompt that is being experienced by end users to determine the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event and may impact any user using Outlook to access the Exchange Online service.

Next update by: Thursday, February 13, 2020, at 7:00 PM UTC

-13.02.2020 17:57:09

Title: Certificate prompts in Outlook

User Impact: Users may be experiencing certificate prompts when accessing Exchange Online using Outlook.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.

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2 Antworten zu Microsoft 365 gestört (13. Februar 2020)

  1. Michael sagt:

    Keine Ahnung ob es in Verbindung steht, aber ging ab Nachmittag 13.02.2020 auch nicht mehr wegen eines Zertifikatsfehlers (betroffen waren mehrere PCs und ein iOS Safari, 2 Androiden mit Firefox hatten aber kein Problem). Heute klappt's wieder.

  2. 1ST1 sagt:

    Schon wieder? (Mehr muss man dazu eigentlich nicht schreiben!)

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