Exchange Online: Störung EX703958 (5-11. Jan. 2024)

MailBei Microsofts Exchange Online hat es vom 5. bis 11. Januar 2024 eine Störung (EX703958) gegeben, bei dem der Dienst nicht mehr funktional war. Nutzer konnten keine E-Mails über Exchange Online empfangen oder versenden.


Störung EX703958 (12. Jan. 2024)

Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir den Statusauszug für "Share: Incident: EX703958, impacted service: Exchange Online, impacted feature: delivery, current status is: Service degradation" zukommen lassen (danke dafür).

Published Time: 11.01.2024 23:26:51

Title: Some users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR)

User impact: Users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a NDR with a 550 or 554 error code.

More info: This issue only occurs if either the sender or user who is receiving the message is utilizing a specific third-party anti-spam service. Senders receive the NDR which states that the message has been rejected due to a 550 or 554 error code and that their host IP address is listed on the third-party anti-spam service.

The error messages state "550 5.7.350 Remote server returned message detected as spam", "554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked", or "‎550 5.7.1 This email was rejected because it violates our security policy."

Current status: We're continuing to work in conjunction with the third-party service to delist IP addresses which are blocked on the third-party's anti-spam service, In parallel, we're continuing to develop the anti-spam optimizations for long-term mitigation, which we'll provide a timeline for deployment to the affected environment when available.

Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user's mail flow if the recipient is leveraging a specific third-party anti-spam service to filter email messages.

Next update by: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 11:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 09.01.2024 23:57:23

Title: Some users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR)

User impact: Users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a NDR with a 550 or 554 error code.

More info: This issue only occurs if either the sender or user who is receiving the message is utilizing a specific third-party anti-spam service. Senders receive the NDR which states that the message has been rejected due to a 550 or 554 error code and that their host IP address is listed on the third-party anti-spam service.

The error messages state "550 5.7.350 Remote server returned message detected as spam", "554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked", or "‎550 5.7.1 This email was rejected because it violates our security policy."

Current status: We're working in conjunction with the third-party service to delist a number of the IP addresses which are blocked on the third-party's anti-spam service. While this has successfully mitigated the issue for a majority of users, we're developing a series of anti-spam system optimizations to further address the issue. We'll share more details regarding the timeline for these optimizations once they become available.

Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user's mail flow if the recipient is leveraging a specific third-party anti-spam service to filter email messages.

Next update by: Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 11:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 08.01.2024 23:57:14

Title: Some users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR)

User impact: Users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a NDR with a 550 or 554 error code.

More info: This issue only occurs if either the sender or user who is receiving the message is utilizing a specific third-party anti-spam service. Senders receive the NDR which states that the message has been rejected due to a 550 or 554 error code and that their host IP address is listed on the third-party anti-spam service.

The error messages state "550 5.7.350 Remote server returned message detected as spam", "554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked", or "‎550 5.7.1 This email was rejected because it violates our security policy."

Current status: We're continuing to evaluate the traffic patterns and are working with the third-party service to determine the correct course of action to remediate the impact.

Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user's mail flow if the recipient is leveraging a specific third-party anti-spam service to filter email messages.

Next update by: Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 11:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 05.01.2024 22:45:11

Title: Some users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR)

User impact: Users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a NDR with a 550 or 554 error code.

More info: This issue only occurs if either the sender or user who is receiving the message is utilizing a specific third-party anti-spam service. Senders receive the NDR which states that the message has been rejected due to a 550 or 554 error code and that their host IP address is listed on the third-party anti-spam service.

The error messages state "550 5.7.350 Remote server returned message detected as spam", "554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked", or "‎550 5.7.1 This email was rejected because it violates our security policy."

Current status: Our collaborative analysis with the third-party service has confirmed that some of the third-party's blocks were intentional; however, we're continuing to work with the provider to ensure legitimate mail is delivered as expected. We're also reviewing anti-spam changes that could be implemented on our side to further resolve the issue.

Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user's mail flow if the recipient is leveraging a specific third-party anti-spam service to filter email messages.

Next update by: Monday, January 8, 2024, at 11:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 04.01.2024 23:59:20

Title: Some users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR)

User impact: Users may be unable to send or receive email messages and receive a NDR with a 550 or 554 error code.

More info: This issue only occurs if either the sender or user who is receiving the message is utilizing a specific third-party anti-spam service. Senders receive the NDR which states that the message has been rejected due to a 550 or 554 error code and that their host IP address is listed on the third-party anti-spam service.

The error messages state "550 5.7.350 Remote server returned message detected as spam", "554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked", or "‎550 5.7.1 This email was rejected because it violates our security policy."

Current status: We've received reports that some users may be unable to send or receive email messages due to a third-party anti-spam service listing our IP addresses within their service. We're working with the third-party anti-spam service to better understand why our IP addresses have been listed and what actions need to be taken to resolve this issue.

Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user's mail flow if the recipient is leveraging a specific third-party anti-spam service to filter email messages.

Next update by: Friday, January 5, 2024, at 11:00 PM UTC

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5 Antworten zu Exchange Online: Störung EX703958 (5-11. Jan. 2024)

  1. Ferenc Zsiga sagt:

    Bei mir in Berlin und Potsdam ging gestern nichts. Keine Verbindung zum Exchange Server. Auch heute noch sehr grosse Probleme.

  2. MH sagt:

    Ist schon lustig wenn man das des öfteren so liest… Unser OnPremise Exchange läuft seit Installation (vor 5 Jahren) ohne jegliche Probleme, unterbrochen nur monatliche ne Stunde durch die Patchdays. Aber Cloud ist ja die Zukunft…

    • JohnRipper sagt:

      Dieser Fall würde ich laufende Wartung subsumieren. Blacklisting kann immer mal passieren, das muss man überwachen und managen.

      Und dass bei deinem Exchange bisher beim patchen nichts schief gelaufen ist, ist/war Glück…. Rofl

  3. JohnRipper sagt:

    Nur als Hinweis, die Meldung gehört hierzu

    (Siehe auch die Kommentare in o.g Beitrag)

  4. Marco sagt:

    Aktuell: Please try again later from []. (S77719) [ 2024-01-15T17:34:05.139Z 08DC14A5F2D8AFDD]};{MSG=};{FQDN=};{IP=};{LRT=}]

    Die Nachrichtenqueue füllt sich wieder…

    Kein E-Mail-Versand an MS365 Exchange Online Mailboxen möglich.

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