Outlook 2013 jetzt für Windows RT 8.1 verfügbar

Microsoft will ja mit Windows RT 8.1 auch Office und vor allem Outlook 2013 als E-Mail-Client ausliefern. Nach diversen Meldungen steht jetzt die finale Version von Outlook 2013 für Windows RT 8.1 zur Verfügung.


Microsoft selbst hat heute in einem Blog-Beitrag die Verfügbarkeit von Outlook 2013 für Windows RT 8.1 angekündigt. Allerdings gibt es einige Verwirrung: Der Blog-Post kann unter diesem Link (gebrochen) jetzt nicht mehr gefunden werden. Allerdings findet sich der Text noch in Google Cache (unter diesem Link) – und ich habe den Text nachfolgend herausgezogen.

Hintergrund: Mit der RTM-Version von Windows RT 8.1 wurde die Preview von Outlook RT 2013 ausgeliefert. Geräte, die nun mit Windows RT 8.1 laufen (also nicht die Windows RT 8.1 Preview), können auf das neue Outlook RT 2013 aktualisiert werden (siehe auch und hier). Dies ist wichtig, da die Preview am 14. Januar 2014 abläuft.

Mary Foley weist in diesem ZDNet.com-Artikel denn auch auf einige Ungereimtheiten hin. Die finale Version von Outlook 2013 RT soll eigentlich mit dem Upgrade auf Windows RT 8.1 ausgeliefert werden. Die Updates werden aber nicht über den Windows Store, sondern über Windows Update ausgeliefert. Weitere Infos könnt ihr den verlinkten Artikeln sowie dem nachfolgenden Textauszug des Microsoft Blog-Eintrags entnehmen.

Text des ursprünglichen Microsoft-Blog-Beitrags:

Preview no more! The official release of Outlook 2013 RT for Windows RT 8.1 is available now in the Windows Store. If your users are still running the preview, be sure to get the word out that they should install the final version of Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 before January 2014, when the license for the preview expires.

The following is a refresh from a previous blog about what business users can and can't do with the Outlook 2013 RT application, with some new info sprinkled in.

Outlook 2013 RT, in your enterprise

Windows RT 8.1 ships with Office 2013 RT. If your organization also purchased commercial use rights or has a commercial license to Office 2013 suites that include Outlook, your users can use Outlook 2013 RT to get to business on their RT devices too.


Because tablets have special needs for security and mobility, a few features are not available in Outlook 2013 RT. Here's a breakdown:

Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 mailbox accounts

Outlook 2013 RT can connect to your organization's Exchange Server 2007, 2010, or 2013 as long as the Autodiscover service is configured. However, Outlook 2013 RT doesn't support these Microsoft Exchange features:

  • Online Archive or Personal Archive mailboxes
  • Applying Messaging Records Management (MRM) retention policies
  • Site Mailboxes
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy tips

VBA and COM Add-ins

Outlook 2013 RT doesn't run macros, add-ins, or other custom programs or solutions developed within your organization or by third parties. This applies to all applications that are included with Microsoft Office 2013 RT (which is installed automatically with Windows RT 8.1).

Information Rights Management (IRM)

Outlook 2013 RT doesn't allow you to set IRM on new email messages.

Microsoft Lync integration

There is no integration between Outlook 2013 RT and Lync. Microsoft Office 2013 RT applications do not integrate with Lync.

SharePoint integration

The Outlook Contact Card doesn't display an active link to users' SharePoint My Site pages. However, Outlook 2013 RT can connect to and synchronize with SharePoint lists.

Junk email filtering

You can open Junk email options and set safe and blocked senders when connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server or Office 365 mailbox account. However, Outlook 2013 RT disables the Junk settings when connected to POP3, IMAP, or Outlook.com email accounts. Outlook.com and other ISP users are still protected from junk email though since those services provide junk email filtering on the back end.

Fax providers

You cannot add a fax account to Outlook 2013 RT.

Group Policy

Outlook 2013 RT cannot be configured using Group Policy. This applies to all applications that are included with Microsoft Office 2013 RT.

There's a great article here that explains in more detail exactly what application features and functionality are available in Office 2013 RT, and how reset and upgrade work.

Abdias Ruiz (Senior Support Escalation Engineer)
LeAnn Ashford (Senior Technical Writer)

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