Microsoft 365: Teams und Outlook war wieder gestört (7.10.2020)

[English]Am 7. Oktober 2020 ist bei Microsoft 365 wieder eine Störung der Azure Cloud-Dienste aufgetreten. Nutzer haben Probleme beim Zugriff auf Microsoft Teams oder Outlook 365. Ist jetzt die zweite Störung seit Ende September und zum 1. Oktober 2020. Ergänzungen vom 8.10.2020 nachgetragen.


Auf Twitter findet sich die nachfolgende Meldung von Microsoft 365 Status. Microsoft untersucht Meldungen von Nutzern, die Probleme mit Microsoft 365-Diensten berichten. Bleeping Computer hat es auch thematisiert und The Register auch.

Microsoft 365-Störung

Benutzer bemerken möglicherweise Auswirkungen bei Microsoft Teams, Outlook, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business.  Auf der Webseite finden sich folgende Einzelheiten:

Microsoft 365 Service health status

The following services have been recovered, the remaining updates are related to the isolated admin center impact: SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business – Services are healthy Microsoft Teams – Services are healthy Microsoft Forms – Services are healthy Microsoft Threat Protection – Services are healthy Microsoft Intune – Services are healthy Exchange Online – Services are healthy – Services are healthy Title: Admins may experience delays or be unable to access the admin center User Impact: Admins may be experiencing delays or be unable to access the admin center. Current status: We're taking additional mitigation actions for the admin center impact related to MO223756. We anticipate that the service will be recovered by Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 11:30 PM UTC. Scope of impact: Admins in the North America region may be experiencing delays or be unable to access the admin center. Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC Next update by: Thursday, October 8, 2020, at 12:30 AM UTC

Auf findet sich ein Peak um kurz vor 21:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit für Deutschland. Gut 50% der Outlook-Benutzer berichten von Problemen, wobei es Anmeldeprobleme und Verbindungsprobleme gibt.

Office 365-Störung 7.10.2020
(Office 365-Störung 7.10.2020)

Inzwischen hat Microsoft die Ursache gefunden und die Behebung der weltweiten Störung in weiteren Tweets angekündigt.

We've identified a recent change that may have resulted in impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services. We've reverted the change and services are recovering. Additional information can be found at or in the admin center under MO223756.

Our investigation determined that a network infrastructure change resulted in accessibility issues. Our telemetry indicates that service is recovering following the reversion. More details can be found at or in the admin center under MO223756.

We're observing continued improvement for a majority of Microsoft 365 services and are taking additional action to mitigate impact for the remaining services. For a full list of recovered services, please visit

We've validated that service has been restored for MO223756. Additional information regarding the continued admin center impact can be found

Es war wieder eine Änderung in der Netzwerk-Infrastruktur, die diese Störung verursacht hat. Microsoft will die Störung inzwischen aber behoben haben. Ist jemand von betroffen?

Ergänzungen zum 8.10.2020

Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mich heute morgen die Statusinformationen aus dem Admin-Dashboard zukommen lassen. Es schaut aus, als ob die Störung noch eine Zeit lang bestanden hat. Hier die Auszüge vom 7.10. bis 8.10, wo selbst der Zugriff auf das Admin-Center Probleme machte.


Published Time: 08.10.2020 00:07:26
Title: Admins may experience delays or be unable to access the admin center

User Impact: Admins may be experiencing delays or be unable to access the admin center.

Current status: We're taking additional mitigation actions for the admin center impact related to MO223756. We anticipate that the service will be recovered by Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 11:30 PM UTC.

Scope of impact: Admins in the North America region may be experiencing delays or be unable to access the admin center.

Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC

Next update by: Thursday, October 8, 2020, at 12:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 08.10.2020 00:21:31

Title: Can't access Microsoft 365 services

User Impact: Users may have been unable to access Microsoft 365 services.

More info: Users may have seen impact to the following Microsoft 365 services:

SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business – Services are healthy
Microsoft Teams – Services are healthy
Microsoft Forms – Services are healthy
Microsoft Threat Protection – Services are healthy
Microsoft Intune – Services are healthy
Exchange Online – Services are healthy – Services are healthy
Admin center – Services are recovering. Additional information can be found under MO223787.

Final status: We've validated that the service has recovered. We'll continue to provide updates on the admin center impact under MO223787.

Scope of impact: Any user who was attempting to access the impacted services could have been impacted by this event.

Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC

End time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 9:45 PM UTC

Preliminary root cause: A recent networking change to the infrastructure responsible for traffic management caused an issue in which traffic was inefficiently routed, causing network congestion that prevented users from accessing Microsoft 365 services.

Next steps:
– We're assessing our deployment testing procedures to understand why an issue with the update had gone undetected.

We'll publish a post-incident report within five business days.


Published Time: 07.10.2020 22:43:37

Title: Can't access Microsoft 365 services

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services.

More info: Users may see impact to the following Microsoft 365 services:

SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business – Services are healthy
Microsoft Teams – Services are healthy
Microsoft Forms – Services are healthy
Microsoft Threat Protection – Services are healthy
Microsoft Intune – Services are recovering
Exchange Online – Services are recovering – Services are recovering
Admin center – Services are recovering

Current status: We're observing continued improvement across the majority of Microsoft 365 services. The infrastructure responsible for admin center access requires additional action to restore service and we're conducting restarts on the affected infrastructure to mitigate impact.

Scope of impact: Any user who is attempting to access the impacted services could be impacted by this event.

Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC

Root cause: A change to network infrastructure caused impact within Microsoft 365 services.

Published Time: 07.10.2020 22:16:27
Title: Can't access Microsoft 365 services

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services.

More info: Users may see impact to the following Microsoft 365 services:

SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business – Services are healthy
Microsoft Teams – Services are healthy
Microsoft Forms – Services are healthy
Microsoft Intune – Services are recovering
Exchange Online – Services are recovering – Services are recovering
Admin center – Services have not recovered

Current status: Further investigation has confirmed that a recent update to network infrastructure resulted in impact to Microsoft 365 services. Our telemetry indicates continued recovery within the environment following the reversion of the update.

Scope of impact: Any user who is attempting to access the impacted services could be impacted by this event.

Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC

Root cause: A change to network infrastructure caused impact within Microsoft 365 services including SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Forms, and

Next update by: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 9:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 07.10.2020 21:59:04
Title: Can't access Microsoft 365 services

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services.

More info: Users may see impact to the following Microsoft 365 services:

SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business – Services are healthy
Microsoft Teams – Services are healthy
Microsoft Forms – Services are healthy
Microsoft Intune – Services are healthy
Exchange Online – Services are recovering – Services are recovering

Current status: We've identified a recent change which may have led to impact to Microsoft 365 services and features. We've reverted this change and our initial telemetry shows that services are in recovery. We'll continue monitoring the environment to ensure service stability.

Scope of impact: Any user who is attempting to access the impacted services could be impacted by this event.

Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC

Root cause: A recent service change caused impact within Microsoft 365 services including SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Forms, and

Next update by: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 9:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 07.10.2020 20:45:38

Title: Can't access Microsoft 365 services

User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services.

More info: Users may see impact to Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online,, and SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business

Current status: We've received reports of user impact to Microsoft 365 services and are working to investigate the cause of the issue.

Scope of impact: Any user may see impact for this issue.
Next update by: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 8:00 PM UTC

Inzwischen hat Microsoft in dieser Statusmeldung die Gründe für die Probleme beim Zugriff auf den Admin-Statusbereich offen gelegt.

Published Time: 08.10.2020 02:22:24
Title: Admins may experience delays or be unable to access the admin center

User Impact: Admins may have experienced delays or been unable to access the admin center.

Final status: We've completed our mitigation actions and confirmed via extensive monitoring that the issue has been resolved.

Scope of impact: Admins in the North America region may have experienced delays or been unable to access the admin center.

Start time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 6:10 PM UTC

End time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 10:30 PM UTC

Root cause: Mitigation actions that were taken due to the previous event impacting the admin center inadvertently resulted in further access issues. Additional infrastructure pressure due to the ongoing Azure networking issue resulted in high latency and access problems which was a contributing factor to the duration of the event.

Next steps:
– We're assessing our mitigation strategies to determine better methods to reduce inadvertent impact and resolution time.

Betraf wohl nur Nordamerika. Microsoft will einen post-incident Report binnen fünf Arbeitstagen mit Details zur Störungsursache veröffentlichen.

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5 Antworten zu Microsoft 365: Teams und Outlook war wieder gestört (7.10.2020)

  1. Info sagt:

    Der Windows-Store war gegen Mittag 07.10 auch gestört, zufällig bemerkt, nach manuellem Aufruf keine Installationslisten/Downloads zur jeweiligen Windows Geräte-ID. "Fehler-Hinweis"

    • Günter Born sagt:

      Ups – me too – Asche auf mein Haupt. Ich hatte gestern zufällig Groove-Music zur Überarbeitung meines Win 10 Einsteigerbüchleins in den Fingern und dann zufällig mal auf das Icon 'Store' geklickt. Die Store-App ging auf, aber es gab nur den sich aus kreiselnden Punkten abzeichnenden Kreis – keine Fehlermeldung, nix. Dachte 'schon wieder was kaputt' und habe abgebrochen, da diese Funktion für meine Zielgruppe nicht wirklich relevant ist.

      • Info sagt:

        OK, meines Wissens greift jedes laufende W10 regelmäßig auf den Store zu und aktualisiert/installiert diverse Standard-Apps/Codecs, und dazu andere Dinge die Microsoft(eigenwillig) für nötig hält. Soweit eine WAN Verbindung über LAN/WLAN zur Verfügung steht und die Update-Funktion, beispielsweise über WLAN-Verbindung, in den Store-Einstellungen nicht deaktiviert ist.

        Ich denke jedes aktivierte W10 nutzt den Store zur Installation, nicht nur WU, also wohl auch in Unternehmensumgebungen – oder sehe ich das falsch, ist es ab W10 pro anders?

  2. Stexu sagt:

    Betroffen nicht direkt, Xbox Cloud Saves war gestern Abend auch weg, Online Services gingen aber alle. Forza Horizon 4 hat sich dann im Hauptmenü beim Speicherstand aus der Cloud laden verweigert. Tja, machste nix.

  3. Cruiser sagt:

    aktuell haben wir immer noch Probleme beim Zugriff auf Mailkonten, das auch schon seit gestern Mittag. Obwohl nicht alle unserer User davon betroffen sind.

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