[English]Bei Microsofts Exchange Online hat es am 28. November 2023 eine Störung (EX694090) gegeben, bei dem der Dienst nicht mehr funktional war. Nutzer konnten keine E-Mails über Exchange Online empfangen. Microsoft versucht aber das Problem durch Umleitungen der Mail-Zustellungen zu beheben. Ergänzung: Die Störung hielt zum 29. November 2023 an, Microsoft will das Problem jetzt aber behoben haben.
Störung EX694090 am 28. November 2023
Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir die Nacht den Statusauszug für "Share: Incident: EX694090, impacted service: Exchange Online, impacted feature: delivery, current status is: Service degrade" zukommen lassen (danke dafür).
Published Time: 28.11.2023 17:22:52
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: Due to an unexpected conflict, we were unable to move email traffic away from this unhealthy set of infrastructure. We reviewed the network logs to identify an alternate solution to remediate impact and discovered an authentication problem that may be contributing to this issue. We're investigating the configuration of the affected infrastructure to better understand this authentication issue, potentially allowing us to create a strategy that remediates impact.
Scope of impact: Some users expecting to receive email in any Exchange Online connection method are impacted.
Root cause: A subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 1:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 28.11.2023 15:31:07
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: We've identified that a subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact. We're moving email traffic away from this unhealthy set of infrastructure to remediate impact.
Scope of impact: Some users expecting to receive email in any Exchange Online connection method are impacted.
Root cause: A subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 10:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 28.11.2023 14:59:47
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.
Jemand von diesem Problem betroffen?
Störung EX694090 am 29. November 2023
Zum 29. November 2023 will Microsoft die Störung EX694090 durch interne Korrekturen behoben haben. Andreas P. hat mir folgenden Statusmeldungsauszug geschickt.
Published Time: 29.11.2023 00:24:24
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may have not been receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Final status: After our review the configuration of the affected infrastructure, we've developed an expedited fix target that replaces the affected piece of infrastructure that routes the affected email messages and have confirmed through telemetry that impact has been remediated.
Scope of impact: Some users expecting to receive email messages in any Exchange Online connection method were impacted.
Start time: Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 5:20 PM UTC
End time: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 4:40 AM UTC
Root cause: A subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email wasn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact.
Next steps:
– We're continuing to investigate why the subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email wasn't processing data as expected to prevent similar instances in the future.This is the final update for the event.
Published Time: 28.11.2023 20:32:07
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: Our investigation into the authentication problem that may be contributing to impact is ongoing as we review the configuration of the affected infrastructure to cultivate our mitigating actions.
Scope of impact: Some users expecting to receive email in any Exchange Online connection method are impacted.
Root cause: A subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 6:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 28.11.2023 17:22:52
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: Due to an unexpected conflict, we were unable to move email traffic away from this unhealthy set of infrastructure. We reviewed the network logs to identify an alternate solution to remediate impact and discovered an authentication problem that may be contributing to this issue. We're investigating the configuration of the affected infrastructure to better understand this authentication issue, potentially allowing us to create a strategy that remediates impact.
Scope of impact: Some users expecting to receive email in any Exchange Online connection method are impacted.
Root cause: A subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 1:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 28.11.2023 15:31:07
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: We've identified that a subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact. We're moving email traffic away from this unhealthy set of infrastructure to remediate impact.
Scope of impact: Some users expecting to receive email in any Exchange Online connection method are impacted.
Root cause: A subset of infrastructure that routes the affected email isn't processing data as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 10:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 28.11.2023 14:59:47
Title: Some users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods
User impact: Users may not be receiving email messages in all Exchange Online connection methods.
Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.
Die Kurzfassung: Nach Überprüfung der Konfiguration der betroffenen Infrastruktur , in der E-Mails nicht weiter geleitet wurden, haben die Microsoft Techniker einen Fix entwickelt. Dieser sorgte dafür, das der betroffene Teil der Infrastruktur, der die betroffenen E-Mail-Nachrichten weiterleiten soll, ersetzt wird. Durch Telemetrie wurde bestätigt, dass die Auswirkungen behoben sind.
Aktuell gerade keine Probleme.
Mir ist aber unklar ob es ein Problem beim Zugriff auf das Postfach sein soll oder bei der Mailzustellung in selbiges.
Es ist mehrfach von "email traffic" die Rede, also wohl die Bewegung von Mails zwischen den Microsoft-Servern.
Wenn man in größeren geclusterten Systemen Mails bewegt, müssen die Hosts sich in gewissen Grenzen gegenseitig kennen und vertrauen (bei einem einzelnen lokalen System würde man "" andere Rechte geben).
Wie Microsoft das macht (ob auch per IP-Listen oder einen Login- bzw. Token-Mechanismus weiß ich nicht), aber wenn das nicht funktioniert, werden z.B. die gerade vom eigenen Virenscanner geprüften Mails oder die ggf. vom Autoresponder generierten in die selbe Schublade geworfen wie frisch aus dem Internet empfangene.
Hier funktioniert beides. Zugriff auf das Postfach über Web. Also auch der Empfang von Emails
Exchange Online ist gestört wird langsam zum Evergreen.