Popup-Meldungen mit 'Test' nerven Android-Benutzer

[English]Es ist eine merkwürdige Geschichte, die momentan in den Medien aufgegriffen wird. Android-Nutzer bekommen in ihren Messenger-Apps Push-Benachrichtigungen mit dem Text 'Test'. Aktuell ist wohl unklar, woher diese Nachrichten kommen – von Fehlfunktion bis hin zum Hack reicht die Spekulation.


Microsoft untersucht den Fall

Mir ist vor einigen Stunden bereits ein Tweet des Microsoft 365 Social Media Teams @MSFT365Status aufgefallen, die angeben ein Problem zu analysieren. Nutzer würden die Nachricht 'Test' auf ihren Geräten erhalten. Später hieß es, dass es Android-Geräte betreffe.

@MSFT365Status reports Android-Issue

Im letzten Statuseintrag heißt es, dass die Ursache gefunden wurde und man Abhilfemaßnahmen eingeleitet habe. Martin Geuß von Dr. Windows hat diesen Artikel zum Thema veröffentlicht. Er bekommt in seiner Teams-App folgende Push-Benachrichtigungen – andere Teams-Anwender erleben das Gleiche.

Test-Benachrichtigung von FCM Messagess(Quelle: Dr. Windows)

Der Absender der Test-Benachrichtigung ist 'FCM Messagess', was wegen der Schreibweise doch arge Bedenken hervorruft. Martin schreibt, dass später neue Benachrichtigungen mit dem Text "Testing notification from Microsoft to investigate the problem" erschienen.

Das Kürzel FCM steht für Firebase Cloud Messaging. Dieser Google-Dienst wird auch von Microsoft für Push-Benachrichtigungen genutzt. heise schreibt hier, dass auch andere Dienste wie Google-Hangouts solche Benachrichtigungen erhalten. Google, Microsoft und weitere Nutzer des FCM-Dienstes begannen die Vorfälle zu untersuchen. Gemäß der Meldung in obigem Tweet durch Microsoft sollte das Problem inzwischen aber behoben sein.

Hier noch einen Auszug aus dem Administrator Statusbereich, den mir Blog-Leser Andreas P. zukommen ließ.

-27.08.2020 21:28:09

Title: Some users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their Android devices

User Impact: Users were receiving unexpected notifications via Teams on their Android mobile devices.

More info: Users may have received notifications that stated: "FCM Messages : Test Notifications" or other similar variations of this message.

Our investigation shows no indication that these messages were malicious in nature; however, we recommend dismissing any of these notifications that were received during the event without interacting with them.

Final status: We've isolated the source of the issue and applied a mitigation. We've confirmed that no further unexpected notifications are being sent to users' Android devices.

Scope of impact: This issue may have potentially impacted any user with Microsoft Teams installed on an Android device.

Start time: Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 8:00 AM UTC

End time: Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 6:25 PM UTC

Root cause: A configuration issue within Microsoft Teams systems that facilitate notification delivery was identified and corrected.

Next steps:
– We're analyzing the configuration of the systems that manage Microsoft Teams notifications to better understand the underlying source of this issue.

This is the final update for the event.

-27.08.2020 20:05:05

Title: Some users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices

User Impact: Users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices.

More info: Users may receive notifications that state: "FCM Messages : Test Notifications" or other similar variations of this message.

Our investigation currently shows no indication that these messages are malicious in nature; however, we recommend dismissing these notifications without interacting with them.

Current status: Our investigation has determined that this issue affects Android users specifically. We believe we've identified the likely source of the issue and are preparing to apply a mitigation. In parallel, we're performing a detailed analysis to better understand the nature of the notifications themselves.

Scope of impact: This issue may potentially impact any user with Microsoft Teams installed on an Android device.

Next update by: Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 8:00 PM UTC

-27.08.2020 12:29:48

Title: Some users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices

User Impact: Users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices.

More info: Users may receive notifications that state: "FCM Messagess : Test Notifications"

Current status: We're analyzing detailed forensics within the Teams mobile notification infrastructure to identify the cause of impact.

Scope of impact: This issue may potentially impact any user with Microsoft Teams installed on a mobile device.

Next update by: Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 7:30 PM UTC

-27.08.2020 10:44:49

Title: Some users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices

User Impact: Users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices.

More info: Users may receive notifications that state: "FCM Messagess : Test Notifications"

Current status: We're reviewing internal system telemetry to isolate the source of the issue and prevent further notifications.

Scope of impact: This issue may impact any user with Microsoft Teams installed on a mobile device.

Next update by: Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 10:30 AM UTC

-27.08.2020 10:15:15

Title: Some users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices

User Impact: Users may receive unexpected Test notifications on their mobile devices.

More info: Users may receive notifications that state: "FCM Messagess : Test Notifications"

Current status: We're investigating an issues were users may receive test notifications on their mobile devices. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.

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