Patch 1531 für Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security 10

Trend Micro hat am 29. März 2019 den Patch 1531 für seine Sicherheitslösung Worry-Free Business Security 10 für Windows freigegeben.


Tom B. hat mich per E-Mail darüber informiert (danke), und auch bei gibt es diesen Post. Gemäß den Release-Notes, werden nur Bugs gefixt:

2.1 Enhancements
     There are no enhancements for this patch release.

     2.2 Resolved Known Issues
     This patch resolves the following issues:

     Issue 1:    (SEG-45016)(SEG-44437)
                 Microsoft(TM) Office(TM) and Google Chrome may stop 
                 unexpectedly on some protected computers.
     Solution 1: This patch updates the Worry-Free Business Security 
                 drivers to prevent this issue.
     Issue 2:    (SEG-46028)
                 Users do not receive violation notifications.
     Solution 2: This patch ensures that users receive violation 
                 notifications normally.
     Issue 3:    (SEG-45547)
                 The Security Server Master Service stops unexpectedly 
                 while saving information in the database if the 
                 information is in the wrong format.
     Solution 3: This patch improves the error-handling mechanism to 
                 enable the Master Service to handle this scenario.
     Issue 4:    (SEG-40213)
                 The Security Agent receives invalid authentication 
                 requests from the Security Server.
     Solution 4: This patch resolves the issue by updating the encrypt 
                 function on the Security Server.

Den Download der Datei WFBS_100_WIN_ALL_Patch_1531.exe gibt es hier über die Registerkarte Product Patch.

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