MS re-release Windows 7 Activation Update KB 971033

win7[German Article]Microsoft has re-released yesterday (21. Nov. 2014) Windows Activation Technology Update (WAT) for Windows 7. Just a few brief remarks and assumptions, what's behind this update.


I stumbled upon this update on Nov 21. 2014, after I decided to shutdown a Windows 7 machine in early morning. Because I was surprised about another "out of the band" update, I have had a look into my update logs.

I found a Windows Activation Technologies Update for Windows 7.  Consulting Microsoft's website for KB971033, it informs me about the purpose of this update:

Windows Activation Technologies helps you confirm that the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer is genuine. Additionally, Windows Activation Technologies helps protect against the risks of counterfeit software. Windows Activation Technologies in Windows 7 consists of activation and validation components that contain anti-piracy features.

  • Activation is an anti-piracy technology that verifies the product key for the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer. The product key is a 25-character code that is located on the Certificate of Authenticity label or on the proof of license label. These labels are included with each genuine copy of Windows. A genuine product key can only be used on the number of computers that are specified in a software license.
  • Validation is an online process that enables you to verify that the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer is activated correctly and is genuine.

But the article was quoted as "Article ID: 971033 – Last Review: October 3, 2012 – Revision: 8.1". And even to make things a bit more courious, a blog reader send me the following screenshot.


Its from a German Windows 7 system and shows the Update description obtainable in Windows Update before Update installation. The publishing date is September 02. 2014. So why this update on Nov. 21. 2014? I searched the web, but wasn't successful to find an explanation. Therefore here is my own explanation: Just two weeks ago I noted on my paper sheet, were I collect topics to cover within my German blog "have a look at Windows Activation Technology". That's because I 've seen a couple of Windows 7 users in Microsoft's Answers Forum, shouting about a non genuine Windows 7. Even, if they bought a legal copy or run OEM system, didn't change something within their systems. The only thing I identified in common: They have updated their system after November patchday.

So my theory is: The out-of-band update KB971033 fixes some incompatibilities in Windows 7 kernel, caused by November Update. And also make some kind of anti piracy strike against hackers as a side effect. Searching the web, I found serveral russian and chinese sites discussing, how to remove KB971033 to keep Windows 7 piracy copies activated. Any further thoughts about dat?


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2 Antworten zu MS re-release Windows 7 Activation Update KB 971033

  1. roitner sagt:

    Also ich hab jetzt (22.11.14-16:28) mal nachgesehen und kein derartiges Update gefunden. Bei mir ist zwar das Update KB971033 installiert, aber das schon seit 9.4.2010
    Wie ist das ganze nun zu verstehen?

    • Günter Born sagt:

      Wenn ich es richtig mitbekommen habe – ist im deutschen Artikel angeklungen – scheinen es nur einige Maschinen bekommen zu haben – und irgendwann war das Update weg. Bei einem Test in einer VM habe ich es ein paar Stunden später nicht mehr bekommen. Da aber mehrere Leute die Updates erhalten haben, ist es entweder Maschinenabhängig oder wurde nur wenige Stunden angeboten. Sehr merkwürdig.

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